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2016/10/17 第207期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


大型企業持續快速變大,已經威脅到市場健康發展。2016年財富500(Fortune 500)大公司的營收占美國GDP比重超過65%,而且前5大的總營收占前10大的60%以上。另外,過去10年新創公司(startups)在美國的數量快速下滑,而且創業者寧願把新創公司賣給大型企業,也不願繼續經營,因為在巨人腳下實在生存不易。值得注意的是,歐盟與各國都已經開始關注大型跨國企業不公平的稅收問題,例如apple近來被歐盟與日本政府追討稅收事件。英國經濟學人對此問題進行了探討。

3.conjured up
4.from bits and bytes

(1)DISRUPTION may be the buzzword in boardrooms, but the most striking feature of business today is not the overturning of the established order. It is the (2) entrenchment of a group of superstar companies at the heart of the global economy. Some of these are old firms, like GE, that have reinvented themselves. Some are emerging-market champions, like Samsung, which have seized the opportunities provided by glFobalisation. The elite of the elite are high-tech wizards—Google, Apple, Facebook and the rest—that have (3) conjured up corporate empires (4) from bits and bytes.”—The Economist


“Paying tax seems to be unavoidable for individuals but optional for firms. Rules are unbending for citizens, and up for negotiation when it comes to companies. Nor do profits translate into jobs as once they did. In 1990 the top three carmakers in Detroit had a market capitalisation of $36 billion and 1.2m employees. In 2014 the top three firms in Silicon Valley, with a market capitalisation of over $1 trillion, had only 137,000 employees.”

“So, by all means celbrate the astonishing achievements of today’s superstar companies. But also watch them. The world needs a healthy dose of competition to keep today’s giants on their toes and to give those in their shadow a chance to grow.” 

1. Disruption 通常指分裂、破壞的意思;在商業用語則是徹底顛覆一切的創新。
Dell Inc. disrupted the traditional way of selling computers by switching to the internet. 戴爾顛覆傳統,改在網路銷售電腦。
2. entrenchment 牢不可破、積息已久;這是帶有負面涵意的字,代表難以改變、撼動。
There has been a shift in opinion on the issue after a decade of entrenchment. 
3. conjured up 聯想起、想像到,此處指快速變出
How am I expected to conjure up a meal for my family with almost nothing in the fridge? 你怎能期待我可以在冰箱空無一物的情況下,為家人變出一頓飯?
4. from bits and bytes  8bits=1byte,意指從數位世界起家的




  1. I ran into Bill at the bank, and we exchanged words. 我在銀行遇見比爾,彼此問候了一下。
  2. I really should go to church this Sunday. 這個禮拜天我真的該去教堂了。
  3. Ralph is a soft man. Women like to be around him. 雷夫是個溫和的男人,女性都喜歡和他相處。
  4. Can you read Chinese characters? 你會看中文嗎?
  5. David is my dearest friend. He encourages me to fulfill my military service. 大衛是我的摯友,他鼓勵我去當兵。



  1. I ran into Bill at the bank, and we exchanged greetings. exchange words可不是互相打招呼的意思,而是表示「爭執、爭吵」,彼此問候的正確用語是exchange greetings。
  2. I really need to go to church this Sunday. should是「應該」,但口語上若與really合用,往往有「雖然知道該去做,卻大概不會去做」的隱含意思。本句是真的表示打算去教堂,所以改用need to就不會產生誤解。
  3. Ralph is a gentleman. Women like to be around him. soft雖然可解釋為「溫柔的、和藹的」,但一般來說並不直接用來形容人的個性,因為它另有「頭腦簡單、愚笨」之意思,恐會造成誤會。
  4. Do you read Chinese characters? 學生時期老師教我們表示「能力上會不會」是用can與can’t,殊不知老美經常把can you…的問句當作試探能力的不禮貌問法,因此使用上須多加留意。
  5. David is my good friend. He encourages me to fulfill my military service. 為了表達「摯友」,所以用了dearest這個字,但它其實多為女性所使用。從句子中提到當兵,可知說話的人是個男性,用dearest並不恰當。

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