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2014/11/07 第46期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Sheep Farmers in New Zealand Adapt to Changing Tastes/羊肉勝羊毛 紐西蘭面臨調適
Capturing Parisians’ Imaginations/路易威登藝術基金會 讓巴黎人眼睛一亮的建築
Sheep Farmers in New Zealand Adapt to Changing Tastes/羊肉勝羊毛 紐西蘭面臨調適
ST. ANDREWS, New Zealand — About three decades ago, when Andrew Fraser began raising sheep, wool was among the star exports of this nation. Its other sheep products — lamb and mutton — were supporting actors.


Today, the situation is reversed. New Zealand’s sheep meat exports are up, while wool faces intensifying competition from synthetic fibers. Although sheep farming is still enmeshed in the fabric of New Zealand’s cultural identity, it is another economic activity that this nation is retooling for a globalized world.


“Wool has traditionally been — and still is — a very good product,” Mr. Fraser said. “The trouble is that now, a similar product can be manufactured out of used Coke bottles and all sorts of stuff.


From 1982 to 2011, New Zealand’s sheep population declined to 31.1 million from 70.2 million, according to government data, as many sheep pastures were converted to dairy farms or other uses. The roughly 17,000 sheep farmers who remain still earn money from selling the fleece of their animals. But on many sheep farms, meat has replaced wool as the primary profit maker.


Since 1990, the value of New Zealand’s annual exports of raw wool and manufactured wool products has declined to about $700 million from $1.2 billion, according to government data. By contrast, lamb and mutton exports have increased almost threefold to $2.3 billion. And dairy exports, worth $1.9 billion in 1992, have soared to $14.1 billion.


New Zealand, with 4.4 million people, is the world’s third-largest wool producer behind Australia and China, according to Beef and Lamb New Zealand, a farmer- owned industry group. It supplies 45 percent of all carpet wool globally, the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group said in a report last year.


Yet more than 90 percent of New Zealand’s wool is exported in raw form, rather than in finished products like carpets or upholstery, leaving it vulnerable to swings in commodity markets.


Farmers said the wool industry would benefit from having a unified voice to promote New Zealand wool abroad as a highend fiber that, in their view, beats synthetic alternatives in several categories, including overall quality and environmental sustainability. Having a single voice could help the industry reach beyond China, its primary export market by far, into relatively untapped markets like the United States.


But New Zealand’s wool industry is viewed as highly fragmented. There were 35 wool exporters operating across the country last year, “a huge level of decentralization” given the industry’s relatively modest export earnings, the Banking Group reported.


“Everyone’s sort of undercutting each other,” said Ross Andrews, a South Island farmer who earns around $3 a kilogram for his carpet-grade wool.


Wool growers long assumed that their industry would somehow look after itself, but there is now a clear need to promote wool over synthetic fibers, said Sandra Faulkner, an industry advocate. According to an industry group, Beef and Lamb New Zealand, wool accounts for 1.3 percent of global fiber production and synthetics 61.4 percent.

行銷紐西蘭羊毛的桑德拉.福克納說,羊農一直以為羊毛業終究會挺過難關,不過現在真的有必要宣傳羊毛比人造纖維好。紐西蘭牛羊肉協會資料顯示,羊毛只占全球纖維產量1.3%,人造纖維卻占61.4% 。

“It’s about identifying ourselves in the luxury marketplace, which is where we’ve always belonged,” Ms. Faulkner said.


Peter Lyon, the supervisor of a South Island shearing team, said farmers’ views on how the wool industry should evolve typically depend on factors like whether they have reliable export contractors, the quality of wool they produce and their level of debt.


In the mid-20th century, wool growers were often “asset-rich and cash-poor,” Mr. Lyon said . “But you can’t afford to be cashpoor today or you’ll get thrown out. ”


Capturing Parisians’ Imaginations/路易威登藝術基金會 讓巴黎人眼睛一亮的建築
PARIS — President Francois Hollande described the building as a “cathedral of light” that was “a miracle of intelligence, creativity and technology.”


He was talking about the 11,700-square-meter, $135 million Louis Vuitton Foundation, a private cultural center and contemporary- art museum designed by Frank Gehry and inaugurated on October 21.


Claude Parent, France’s 91-year-old eminence grise in architecture , said that when he first saw it, “I was seized by an emotion so strong that it seemed to come from something other than architecture.”


Paris is celebrating Mr. Gehry at the moment. Some critics have called the building in the Bois de Boulogne one of the most technologically sophisticated, artistically motivated buildings in an oeuvre that started with small wood-frame studios and houses in Southern California and is the subject of a retrospective at the Pompidou Center .


At Vuitton, visitors encounter what looks like a Cubist sailboat, with glass sails and spinnakers rising above the tree line and billowing fore, aft, port and starboard. The building appears to glide over a cascade of water lapping down a stepped embankment below its cantilevered prow. The two-story structure has 11 galleries, an auditorium and multilevel roof terraces for events and art installations.


The site is next to the Jardin d’Acclimatation, a 19th-century children’s park and zoo . The architect had to build within the dimensions of a bowling alley that previously stood here; anything higher had to be glass.

基金會位在Jardin d’Acclimatation公園旁,19世紀是兒童樂園和動物園。原址是保齡球館,建築師必須在球館範圍內蓋屋,高出的部分得用玻璃。

Mr. Gehry said he needed the approval of only one client, Bernard Arnault, chairman and chief executive of the luxury goods conglomerate LVMH .


“The guy knew what he wanted, and he wanted a building that would be different than anything else anybody had ever seen,” Mr. Gehry said.


Mr. Gehry ignored France’s geometric traditions. “The clouds of glass respond to nature’s geometry, to the park’s English landscaping,” he said of the Bois de Boulogne. “Nature’s apparent disorder has its own order.”


Mr. Gehry said he was “very moved by the park, which reminded me of Proust’s Paris.” He added: “I read him over and over again, and I realized it was a pretty emotional site for everybody. ”


He had two mandates: respecting the park and garden and satisfying the requirements for the galleries. “Once we had the big, basic premise that there was a solid piece for the galleries, which we started to call the icebergs, and then the glass sails for the garden, we started to work them independently,” Mr. Gehry said. “Merging the two would not work, because you couldn’t have curvy galleries, and you can’t hang paintings on glass.” The diaphanous sails, supported on an acrobatic armature of wood and steel, project outside the iceberg.


The glass s t r u c t u r e takes its place in a long Parisian tradition dating from the 13th-century Gothic Sa i nte - Chapelle on the Ile de la Cite, with its tall walls of stained glass, and the 19th-century Grand Palais, an exhibition hall whose glass vaults echo the vast public spaces of Rome. The Foundation’s fragmented, multidirectional forms recall the Cubism of Braque and Picasso.


Visitors enter a tall hall from which angled staircases and meandering paths lead to the galleries and to a roofscape of outdoor terraces enclosed by the glass sails. Between the iceberg and the sailboat, accordion spaces expand and contract, alternately intimate and grand, in what Mr. Gehry called “a chaotic dance.”


Not all critics have been impressed. In The Observer, Rowan Moore criticized the sails as unnecessary.


In the Pompidou retrospective, models and original drawings show the evolution of Mr. Gehry’s ideas leading up to the Vuitton Foundation. Other shows, said Frederic Migayrou, the deputy director of the Pompidou, “have portrayed Gehry’s buildings as an object, a shape.”


“I tried to do the reverse,” he said, “going through all the works to define the evolution of the language, the continuities, the idea of dynamic movement, how he opens form so that they interact with the city and provoke the movement of the body around the building.”


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