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2014/12/05 第50期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Epidemics of Confusion/沒說清楚的兩種傳染病
Robots Don’t Do Windows, Because Their Work Is Inferior/高樓洗窗 機器人難代勞
Epidemics of Confusion/沒說清楚的兩種傳染病
WASHINGTON — A mysterious virus emerges in Africa and spreads. An anxious and skeptical public rejects scientific evidence that the lethal virus is transmitted only through body fluids. There are no drugs to effectively treat infected patients, nor a vaccine to prevent new cases.


People shun the infected and their contacts; some demand quarantines. Conspiracy theorists contend the virus escaped from government laboratories.


No, th is is not Ebola. It is the outbreak in the early 1980s of H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS.


The epidemics have prompted eerily similar reactions from health officials and the public, raising crucial questions about why the world remains persistently unprepared to react to sudden viral threats.


Experts underestimated the extent of the spread of both viruses. After development of an H.I.V. test, doctors discovered that millions of people were infected in one of the worst pandemics in history. The Ebola epidemic, which involves thousands, is confined to West Africa for now. But as long as the infection spreads in West Africa, it poses a major threat to the rest of the world; many countries will have a difficult time controlling its spread if it reaches them.


Scientists quickly and clearly delineated how Ebola and H.I.V. are transmitted. But public officials, then and now, failed to communicate this information in ways most people understand.


At the onset of the AIDS epidemic, officials and journalists spoke of “bodily fluids” to avoid using words like penis, vagina and sperm. Only later did officials become explicit about the risks of rectal intercourse.


Ambiguity was costly. People avoided restaurants where waiters were perceived to be gay out of fear of getting the disease from “contaminated” food and dishes. Some people called for quarantines, which made no scientific sense.


Health officials have had ample time to polish their language skills. Yet the phrase “bodily fluids” is again with us, and confusion has arisen over whether the virus can be “airborne” as officials try to explain that Ebola virus is not dispersed like the influenza and measles viruses.


And so history repeats. An uncertain public has stigmatized many Ebola survivors , as AIDS patients once were, even though they are not infectious to others. Governors and health officials have clashed over the need to quarantine people returning from West Africa, though such policy is not based on scientific evidence.


By its very nature, public health involves politics. As politicians, health officials have traditionally tended to play down risks to calm anxiety .


Officials have not been silent about Ebola, but sometimes they have been too emphatic and absolute in their choice of words. Despite lack of prior experience, the experts predicted that any American hospital could safely handle Ebola patients with little risk . That assurance came back to haunt them in Texas. To their credit, the officials quickly corrected themselves. But by then, the damage was done.


Fear of the unknown plays a great role in fanning anxiety during outbreaks of deadly diseases. H.I.V. was truly a mystery at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. At first, scientists debated whether the cause was an infectious agent or a drug .


Ebola was identified in Central Africa in 1976 but was unknown in West Africa when cases began to occur in Guinea earlier this year. As of November 7, Ebola had infected 13,268 people, of whom 4,960 had died, the World Health Organization said.


As in the early years of AIDS, standard support therapy is the only proven therapy. If drugs are found to treat Ebola, health workers will need ways to get them to Africa’s poor. If nothing else, the AIDS epidemic may have prepared us for that.


Both viruses continue to raise major challenges. A decrepit infrastructure for delivery of health care and other services is the result of years of political unrest in West Africa. Hundreds more doctors and nurses are needed from elsewhere to care for the ailing.


The fact is that Ebola, like AIDS, will leave behind a tragic legacy: hundreds of thousands of orphans.


Robots Don’t Do Windows, Because Their Work Is Inferior/高樓洗窗 機器人難代勞
As a pair of window washers clung to a scaffold dangling outside the 68th floor of 1 World Trade Center recently, the captivating drama left some below wondering: Why were they up there at all?


In an age when a few clicks on a cellphone can solve myriad problems, it seems fair to ask why people are still descending from the roofs of skyscrapers to rub soapy water on glass and wipe it off with a squeegee. Can’t robots take on this simple, repetitive task and relieve humans of the risk of injury, or death, from a plunge to the sidewalk?


The simple answer, several experts said, is that washing windows is something that machines still cannot do as well as people can. The more complicated answer is that high-rise buildings are more complicated than they used to be.


“Building are starting to look like huge sculptures in the sky,” said Craig S. Caulkins, who consults with building owners on how to maintain their exteriors. “A robot can’t maneuver to get around those curves to get into the facets of the building,” he said.


Mr. Caulkins said “the robots have problems.” Most notably, he said, robotic cleaning systems tend to leave dirt in the corners of the glass walls that are designed to provide panoramic views from high floors.


“If you are a fastidious owner wanting clean, clean windows so you can take advantage of that very expensive view that you bought, the last thing you want to see is that gray area around the rim of the window,” Mr. Caulkins said.


Prime examples of that particular shortcoming were the towers of the original World Trade Center; the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey equipped those buildings with a mechanical apparatus for cleaning their windows, but it worked so poorly that human window washers had to follow behind to catch the spots the machine missed, said Steven Plate of the Port Authority.


One of the men who kept the glass of the twin towers clean was Roko Camaj, whose hazardous duty was the subject of a children’s book “Window Washer: At Work Above the Clouds.” The book, published in 1995, quoted Mr. Camaj saying that “Ten years from now, all window washing will probably be done by a machine.”


On that point, Mr. Camaj, who was killed when the towers were destroyed on September 11, 2001, was not a prophet. Mr. Caulkins said “there may be several dozen” skyscrapers in the entire country that employ robots to clean their windows.


Another reason for the sparse use of robots is that buildings require a lot more maintenance than just window cleaning, Mr. Caulkins said.


Equipment is needed to lower people to repair facades and broken windows, like the one that rescue workers had to cut through to rescue the window washers at 1 World Trade Center , he said.


If a building requires a mechanism on the roof to lower a platform for that sort of work, the owner is unlikely to invest in a second, mechanized system for cleaning the glass, he said. Gerard McEneaney, a union official, said his union’s members are willing to do the work because it pays well: as much $26.89 an hour plus benefits.


Many of the window cleaners are immigrants from South America. “They’re fearless guys, fearless workers,” Mr. McEneaney said.


He added that he understood why the owners of 1 World Trade Center would employ humans . “They want that building sparkling, sparkling clean,” he said.


Having spent nine years on scaffolds in the city, he knows the dangers. “ You just kind of accept it and rely on your partner and pray that your training has prepared you.”


日原鐘乳洞 被時間遺忘的東京地底幻境
在東京都西邊的奧多摩町北部,有個日原鐘乳洞。從JR 奧多摩站出發,循著山路約30 分鐘的車程便可抵達。這裡四周皆為潺潺溪流及綠蔭所環繞,實在難以想像自己其實還身處在東京都內。

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