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2015/05/01 第70期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 A Barbie With Wi-Fi,And Adults Listen In/Wi-Fi芭比娃可錄音 兒童隱私惹爭議
Natural Burial Movement Tries Out Composting Corpses/美推遺體堆肥 科學家讚:一定行得通
A Barbie With Wi-Fi,And Adults Listen In/Wi-Fi芭比娃可錄音 兒童隱私惹爭議
Ever since Siri appeared as a regular feature on the iPhone, certain young children — and, let’s face it, some of their parents — have spent hours chatting up the virtual assistant, curious about the details of her humanoid back story. Siri, where do you live? Siri, do you have a boyfriend? Siri, how old are you?


“To converse with amobile device is an assumed truth if you are 10 years old today,” Oren Jacob, the chief executive of ToyTalk, a company that creates conversational characters for children, said recently at the company’s headquarters in San Francisco.

ToyTalk公司為兒童創造能交談的虛構人物,執行長歐倫.傑柯布最近在舊金山的總公司說:「如果你今天是10 歲,會真的與行動裝置交談。」

Founded in 2011, ToyTalk already produces popular animated conversational apps that encourage young children to engage in complex dialogue with make-believe characters. This fall, Mattel plans to introduce Hello Barbie, a Wi-Fi enabled version of the iconic doll, which uses ToyTalk’s system to analyze a child’s speech and produce relevant responses. “She’s a huge character with an enormous back story,” Mr. Jacob sa id of Barbie. “We hope that when she’s ready, she will have thousands and thousands of things to say and you can speak to her for hours and hours.”



This technology, originally designed for mobile screens, is generating controversy. The Campaign for a Commercial- Free Childhood, an advocacy group in Boston, asked Mattel not to release the talking doll. The group said the voice recordings amounted to “eavesdropping” and could be used to exploit the intimate feelings of children.


“Is this going to be some creepy doll that records what is going on in your home without you knowing it?” asks Nicole A. Ozer, the director of technology and civil liberties at the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. “What is being recorded? How long is it being stored? Who is it being shared with?”


“These could be real cutting- edge approaches to facilitate children’s learning,” said Sandra L. Calvert, the director of the Children’s Digital Media Center at Georgetown University. But, she added, the toys’ impact would depend largely on the depth and breadth of their conversational abilities. “It’s only as good as the programmer,” she said.


Mr. Jacob, who had previously worked as the chief technology officer at Pixar Animation Studios, started ToyTalk with a former colleague, Martin Reddy.


“Could we actually create a character that could talk back and, if we could do that, what would it look like?” Mr. Jacob said.


To develop a system that could both understand a child’s comments and say something engaging back, the company built its own platform to process spoken language — one tailored to the pitch of children’s voices, their prosody and vocabulary. Now, for instance, when a child says “totes jelly” to a ToyTalk app, the language processor understands the phrase actually means: “I’m totally jealous.”

為了研發能了解孩子的談話,又能回答的系統,這家公司建立自己的平台來處理口語──量身訂作成孩童的聲調、他們的韻律和字彙。現在,例如,一個孩子對著ToyTalk應用程式說「totes jelly」,語言處理器了解這句話實際的意思是:「我好嫉妒(I'm totally jealous. )。」

The company created a privacy process intended to give parents some control over their children’s personal information. Before a child under 13 can use the conversation feature , a parent has to give permission and confirm it via email. Parents also have access to their child’s recorded conversations and can delete them.


“Everybody involved is very aware of how carefully this content needs to be crafted,” Michael Shore, head of consumer insights at Mattel, said about Hello Barbie. “With this powerful a technology, this is something we need to be hypervigilant about.”


Natural Burial Movement Tries Out Composting Corpses/美推遺體堆肥 科學家讚:一定行得通
The body of the tiny 78-yearold woman was brought to a hillside at Western Carolina University still clad in a blue hospital gown and chartreuse socks.


She was laid on a bed of wood chips, and then more were heaped atop her. If all goes as hoped, the body will turn into compost.

她被放置在木屑床上,接著又在她身上堆了更多木屑。如果一切順利 ,屍體將變成堆肥。

It is a next step in the naturalburial movement. Even as more people opt for interment in simple shrouds or biodegradable caskets, urban cemeteries continue to fill up. For the environmentally conscious, cremation is a problem , as it releases greenhouse gases.


Katrina Spade, a 37-year-old Seattle resident , has proposed an alternative: a facility for human composting. The woman laid to rest in wood chips is a first step in testing how it would work.


“Composting makes people think of banana peels and coffee grounds,” Ms. Spade said. But “our bodies have nutrients. What if we could grow new life after we’ve died?”


Scientists agree human beings can be composted. Already countless farms across the country compost the bodies of dead livestock. Some transportation departments compost roadkill.


“I’m absolutely sure that it can work,” said Lynne Carpenter- Boggs, a soil scientist at Washington State University who serves on the advisory board of the Urban Death Project, a nonprofit that Ms. Spade founded.


The process is simple: Place nitrogen-rich material, like dead animals, inside a mound of carbon- rich material, like wood chips and sawdust, adding moisture or extra nitrogen . Microbial activity will start the pile cooking.


Bacteria release enzymes that break down tissue into component parts like amino acids, and eventually, the nitrogen-rich molecules bind with the carbon- rich ones, creating a soil-like substance. Temperatures reach around 60 degrees Celsius, often higher, and the heat kills common pathogens. There should be no smell. Bones also compost, but take longer than tissue.


圖擷自Urban Death Project

Ms. Spade, who has a degree in architecture, has designed a building for human composting that marries the efficiency of this process with the ritual and symbolism that mourners crave. Each Urban Death facility would feature a three-story vault that she calls “the core.” Loved ones would carry their deceased, wrapped in a shroud, up a circular ramp to the top. There mourners would place the body inside the core, which could hold perhaps 30 corpses at a time. Over several weeks, each body would move down the core until the first stage of composting was complete. In a second stage, material would be screened, along with any remaining bones, and the compost would be cured.


Ms. Spade estimates that each body, combined with the necessary materials such as wood chips and sawdust, would yield enough compost to fill a one-meter cube.


Death rites can go from repugnant to normal in a surprisingly short time, said James Olson, a funeral director in Wisconsin and chairman of the green burial work group of the National Funeral Directors Association.

威斯康辛州殯儀師兼 「國家殯儀師協會」綠葬工作小組主席詹姆斯.歐森說,在令人意外的極短時間內, 葬禮儀式可從令人反感變成正常看待。

“If I had told you 50 years ago that we were going to burn your loved one,” he said, “ and pulverize their skeleton in a machine and give you back the crushed bone, you would have said, ‘Eww.’ ”


He called Ms. Spade’s concept “wonderful.”


But many others find the idea of composting human bodies repulsive . One critic on the Urban Death website commented: “This MUST be a joke. If not, there’s only one word which could possibly describe your activities: SICK.”


Questions also remain about how human compost should be used. Certain pathogens, like the prions related to mad cow disease, can survive composting, and livestock that have died from certain diseases are banned from composting. Some experts recommend that livestock compost not be spread on fields where fruits and vegetables are grown for human consumption.


And, as with cremation, heavy metal contamination could be a concern; dental fillings might have to be removed from bodies.


Ms. Spade said survivors could collect some of the compost to use in their garden or to plant a tree. She foresees the rest going to nearby parks or conservation lands. Each human composting would cost about $2,500, a fraction of the price of conventional burial, she estimates.


She hopes to build the first facility in Seattle, then to develop a template other communities can use for locally designed facilities. “Like libraries,” she said.


Beyond the environmental benefits to composting humans, she believes there is a spiritual one: connecting death to the cycle of nature will help people face their own mortality and bring comfort to the bereaved.



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