【哪裡不一樣】Grateful vs. Thankful
感恩節美國人會說"I am so thankful to have you in my life."或" I am grateful for your support.",thankful 和grateful意思相近因此容易混淆,想想中文裡謝謝分成了三種層次,先是感謝,再來是感激,最後是感恩,而thankful和grateful 也有同樣的層次差異。

Sherry was grateful to her teachers and also thankful that she had passed her exams. 雪莉很感激她的老師,同時謝天謝地考試All pass。
1) be thankful (to someone) for something 感激(某人)做了某事
Tom is thankful to Mary for the help. 湯姆很感激瑪莉的幫忙
2) be thankful for someone/something 感謝某人/某事的存在
I’m thankful for you. 還好有你
I'm thankful for this doughnut. 謝天謝地有這個甜甜圈
3) be thankful that 子句
I was just thankful that no one was killed or hurt. 我只是很感激沒有任何人傷亡
1) be grateful to someone for something
We are grateful for the support we have received from family, friends and the local community. 我們很感謝所有來自家人朋友和當地社區的支持
來源:Cambridge dictionary
