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2019/12/17 第272期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


Jessica出差參展,回飯店房間不知道怎麼打開冷氣,打電話跟櫃台人員說“I don’t know how to open the air conditioner”,櫃台人員嚇了一跳。

“We can’t open the air conditioner. If we open it, everything will fall out.” 不行打開,一打開零件就掉出來了。

原來電器的開關應該要說turn on ... ...


開始前:Reading Lab專欄,希望讀者在一個月密集的英語接觸裡,建立閱讀的習慣。這一期的Reading Lab採用關鍵字標記,希望讀者從一個單字出發、延伸到一句話、到默記下一篇文章。

Amazon's new rewards card targets those with bad credit

Fastcompany #金融 #趨勢 #Amazon 

Have bad credit? Does Amazon have a solution for you (as long as you have the collateral).


The e-commerce giant has a new store credit card targeted at people with less-than-perfect credit scores. In partnership with Synchrony Bank, the "Amazon Prime Store Card Credit Builder" lets people put down a refundable security deposit (yes, like an apartment), which will be used to set the card's total credit limit. Synchrony will then collect that deposit from you and give you a line of credit.

電商巨頭亞馬遜針對一些信用欠佳的人推出了一款新的信用卡,和同步銀行(Synchrony Bank)合作進行的「亞馬遜Prime信用卡構建者」計畫讓人們存入可退還的保證金(對,就像一間公寓)用來設定該信用卡的信用額度。同步銀行會收取保證金並釋出信貸額度。

From there, people can spend money on amazon.com using their new credit from money they footed. Depending on how much money they spend on the card, users get 6, 12, or 24 months of no interest. (If people spend less than $149 with the card, they are not eligible for this promotional financing.)


The card's APR is 28.24%.


According to WalletHub, the average interest rate for people with fair credit is 22.99%, and the average store credit card interest rate is 25.76%.


This Credit Builder card has the perks of its sibling cards, including no fee and 5% cash back. The idea behind this program is to attract a new swath of customers–that is, people with poor credit–to buy items on Amazon and repay in time, which will increase their credit scores and thus give them the opportunity to get another credit card, one that doesn’t require them to prepay the credit line in full.



1. 瑞典推出機器人面試官

2. 亞馬遜新的信用卡能幫你用自己的錢負債

3. 艾瑪·華森:如果生命給你一顆檸檬,你就把它拿來做成一杯檸檬汁吧

4. 印尼「塑膠公車」用垃圾當車票


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年12月號



波音空難教訓 讓員工暢所欲言
改變文化需要什麼?太常出現的答案是:一場災難。波音737 Max噴射客機的兩起空難,目前暫時歸咎於波音飛行系統的過度自動化。在這兩起事故之後,外界或許不可避免地會重新關注波音的生產設施。

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