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2014/11/03第202期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Capturing Colors with Your Pen
─Helen Yeh

 Imagine having sixteen million pens of different colors to draw with. That would be a dream come true for many artists and doodlers, though carrying around that many pens would be unrealistic. Now, you can have all of those colors at your disposal with just a single pen.

 The Scribble Pen is like a regular pen in that it comes with a nib that writes on paper. On the other end of the pen, however, there is a color sensor that picks up colors. Once the sensor detects a color, a small processor in the pen mixes the ink to match the exact color that was detected. The picked-up color can be that of almost anything, from a fruit to a shirt or a flower. Users can store colors in the pen's internal memory, which holds up to one hundred thousand unique colors.

 This color-capturing pen is still in the process of being developed. However, its California-based creators think that people young and old will definitely love using it.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.163 11月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
rainbow loom 彩虹編織
craze 風潮;(一時的)狂熱
charm (手鐲、項鍊上的)吊飾;小飾品
rubber bands 橡皮筋
loom bands 橡皮筋編織
bracelet 手環
harmful (對健康)有害的

Loom bands are all the craze, but the rubber charms that are attached to them may be harmful.
2014/11/03 (一) The guardians warned the young man not to go through with his plan, but this only made him more nervous and impatient.

2014/11/04(二) When questioned about who was haunting the room, the young man replied that it wasn't a ghost but something much worse: It was Fear, which had followed him into that room.

2014/11/05 (三)

Users can store colors in the pen's internal memory which holds up to one hundred thousand unique colors.

2014/11/06 (四) These passwords may be easy to remember, but it doesn't take a genius, much less a professional hacker, to guess them.

2014/11/07 (五)

In any case, avoid using obvious combinations of letters or numbers, such as those in your name, address, or birthday.

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