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2015/01/26第208期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

A Soap That Helps Prevent Malaria
─Debbie Rinehart

SOMETIMES the efforts of just a few individuals can make a huge difference in the world. Recently, two African students, Moctar Dembele and Gerard Niyondiko, introduced their creation Fasoap. This soap made from natural herbs leaves a scent that repels mosquitoes, thus helping prevent malaria, according to the soap's inventors. In addition, the waste water containing substances from the soap can prevent the development of mosquito larvae. Dembele and Niyondiko presented Fasoap at the Global Social Venture Competition, which gives youths an opportunity to turn their ideas into reality. The pair beat out 650 competitors from 40 countries.

Malaria is a serious threat to millions of people. It leads to hundreds of thousands of deaths every year, mainly in the world's poorest countries. In fact, around 90 percent of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, and it frequently affects children under the age of five.

Many people living in poor countries cannot afford to buy medicine to treat the disease or even repellent or mosquito nets to prevent it. Dembele and Niyondiko hope that Fasoap can be widely available by 2015 for free or for a small cost.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.165 1月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
It takes two to tango. 一個巴掌拍不響;孤掌難鳴
tango 指「探戈舞」。這句話的字面意思是「要兩個人才能跳探戈」,常用來表示愛情要兩情相悅才行,有時也用在表示某個情況或爭論是雙方面都有責任,類似中文的「一個巴掌拍不響;孤掌難鳴」
A: I don't think that you should be so unfair to Chris.
B: Well, it takes two to tango.
2015/01/26(一) Hey, there's supposed to be a good travel show on later. Let's watch it.

2015/01/27(二) You know, I was thinking that maybe we should sign up for an on-demand Internet media service, like Netflix.


This soap made from natural herbs leaves a scent that repels mosquitoes, thus helping prevent malaria, according to the soap's inventors.

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2015/01/30(五) In remote Alaskan towns, grocery items can cost as much as five times what they'd cost on the mainland.

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