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2017/03/06第256期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Living Life Online with Live Streaming
—Bertus van Aswegen

Have you ever thought about sharing your life with the world, and maybe making a little money along the way? Take a look into live streaming, one of the Internet's fastest-growing phenomena. With live streaming, anyone can become an online celebrity—all you need is a camera, Internet access, and something to show an audience.
On sites like YouNow, Periscope, and Twitch, streamers log in and connect with fans from all over the world. These fans are able to interact with streamers through chat windows, passing along comments, requests, or questions and receiving responses live.
There is something for everyone in live streaming, from fashion tips to live music to online gaming. While there are many streamers, a number of people have been able to achieve celebrity status in streaming circles. But you don't have to be especially skilled at something to become a great streamer. Some streamers do little more than set up a camera and act as they normally would in day-to-day life, but their everyday activities or the things they say may draw interest. In particular, an attractive sense of humor goes a long way with audiences and can quickly elevate an average streamer to social media stardom.


《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.191 3月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
At a Picnic 野餐去
a quiche 法式鹹派
fruit tarts 水果塔
jam 果醬
a picnic basket 野餐籃
cutlery / flatware (刀、叉、湯匙等)餐具
a checkered picnic blanket 格子野餐墊
a cutting board 砧板
dressing 佐料、調料(用油、醋及香料調製而成,尤用於拌沙拉)
rice balls 飯糰
cold cuts 冷切肉;冷盤
fruit salad 水果沙拉
salsa and nachos 莎莎醬和墨西哥玉米片
a pita 口袋餅
bagels 貝果
waffles 格子鬆餅
cupcakes 杯子蛋糕
saltines / soda crackers 蘇打餅
muffins 瑪芬
brownies 布朗尼
baguettes 法式長棍麵包
iced lemonade 冰檸檬水
soda 汽水
sparkling water 氣泡水
apple cider 蘋果汁
a knife 刀子
a bowl
a mug 馬克杯
a fork 叉子
a spoon 湯匙
a thermos 保溫瓶
2017/03/06(一) There is something for everyone in live streaming, from fashion tips to live music to online gaming.

2017/03/07(二) To become successful, streamers must offer their audiences what they want to see in a unique way.


 One such necessity that has been a constant throughout human history is a means of getting from place to place. 

2017/03/09(四) These modes of transportation prove that with a little creativity, travel need not be seen only as a way of getting from A to B.

2017/03/10(五) The weather is supposed to be great. Let's do something outside.

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