Amazon Go's Convenient New Shopping Experience
—James Baron
Long lines at the supermarket may soon be a thing of the past. At Amazon Go—a supermarket with no cashiers—customers will be able to pick up products and leave the store without getting in line and checking out. How does this work?
First, customers download the Amazon Go app, which registers their arrival at the store. Once they are inside, cameras and sensors detect what products customers pick up and add them to the customer's bill. This is similar to how you can add items to a virtual shopping cart on If a customer later decides not to buy the item, it can simply be placed back on the shelf and will be automatically removed from the bill.
So far, there is only one Amazon Go supermarket, located in Seattle, Washington. Although the store employs chefs to prepare ready-made meals, there are concerns that this type of supermarket will eventually take jobs away from millions of supermarket cashiers. Even still, Amazon Go could end up forever changing the way we shop.
在超市大排長龍的情況可能很快將成為過去式了。在Amazon Go商店——沒有收銀員的超市——顧客將能購買產品,然後不用排隊結帳就能離開商店。這是怎麼做到的呢?
首先,顧客要下載Amazon Go應用程式,應用程式會記錄他們抵達商店。他們一進到店裡,攝影機和感應器會偵測他們拿了什麼東西,並把它們加到帳單上。這就跟你可以在亞馬遜購物網站上將商品加入線上虛擬購物車的方式類似。如果顧客之後決定不買那件商品,只要將它放回架上,就會自動從帳單上移除。
到目前為止,只有一家Amazon Go超市,就位於美國華盛頓州的西雅圖。雖然這間店僱用廚師來準備現成的餐點,但有人擔心這種超市最終會讓數百萬名超市收銀員失業。即便如此,Amazon Go超市最後可能會永遠改變我們購物的方式。 |