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2017/07/03第264期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

City of Dreams: Vienna, Austria

The entire city of Vienna, Austria, can be compared to a museum. Running over with marvelous works of fine art and architecture, the city has a rich history that is on display at every corner. Vienna is a prominent capital of European culture, and few places approach the elegant charm of this beautiful city on the Danube.

Though Vienna has a modern underground metro—the U-Bahn—you can get the most out of your stay by walking or hopping on a tram. This way, you can take in the city's countless public sculptures and decorated structures. Among the city's most impressive sights are St. Stephen's Cathedral, with its patterned roof and 450-foot south tower, and Schonbrunn Palace, which boasts a tremendous public garden space.

If you need a break from seeing the sights, there's no better way to relax in Vienna than at one of the city's many coffeehouses. Customers often spend hours at these old-fashioned cafes reading newspapers, chatting with friends, or simply enjoying the fine coffee, which is always served with a glass of water. If you're feeling a bit hungry, these coffeehouses also serve classic Austrian fare, such as crispy Wiener schnitzel and sweet apple strudel.


《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.194 6月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
Get back on the horse! 重新振作!;重新出發!
A: How come you never go running with me anymore? It's a beautiful day—we should get out there!
B: I guess I've just been lazy. It sure is nice out, though. Maybe it's time I get back on the horse.
你也可以說 Get back in the saddle!
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