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2013/02/26 第99期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Working Hard to Maintain Racial Harmony 全力維持種族和諧
by Brian Foden
Singapore works hard to keep its citizens in harmony.

  For such an ethnically diverse country, Singapore has a remarkably harmonious society. While racial and religious tensions regularly flare up in many parts of the world, in the city-state of Singapore, people of various races have lived together peacefully for many decades. _(1)_
  Visitors who enjoy Singapore's shopping, food, and other attractions may not realize that the racial harmony they observe is not there by accident. _(2)_ On every July 21, the nation celebrates Racial Harmony Day, which is held to remember the race riots that occurred on that day in 1964. _(3)_ During Racial Harmony Day, school children are urged to think about the success Singapore has had in becoming a society built on racial diversity and harmony. _(4)_
  A good example of how seriously racial intolerance is viewed can be found in a recent incident in which a woman named Amy Cheong posted complaints and insensitive remarks about the Malaysian community on her Facebook page. _(5)_ After Cheong's Facebook post, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on his own Facebook page that people should respect other cultures and be careful about what they say. Taking into consideration Singapore's racially troubled past, perhaps it's not surprising how strongly Cheong's words were condemned.

(A) In two separate incidents during that year, both of which saw violence between Chinese and Malaysian groups, 36 people were killed and 556 were injured.
(B) Although Cheong later apologized publicly about her comments, she was fired from her job at a trade union center and a complaint about her was made to the police.
(C) The country has put a lot of effort into building and maintaining good relations among its residents.
(D) Racism is learned from family members or friends at an early age.
(E) What's more, students are encouraged to dress in their traditional costumes.
(F) While 75 percent of the population is Chinese, the other quarter is made up of Malaysians, Indians, and others of mixed ethnicities.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提及,在新加坡這個城邦都市,各式人種和平共處了幾十年,關鍵詞組 people of various races (各式人種)和選項中的 (F) 項提到新加坡國內由不同人種所組成而產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
    a. be made up of...  由……所組成
    = be composed of...
    = consist of...
    The local baseball team is made up of 16 boys aged seven to ten.
    這支當地棒球隊是由 16 名 7 到 10 歲的男童所組成。
    b. mixed a. 混雜的,混合的
  2. 第二題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提到,遊客所觀察到的種族和諧絕非偶然。且在 (C) 項中提到,這個國家已投入了大量的精力來建立並維持其居民間的良好關係。兩個句子形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    put a lot of effort into...
    Cindy put a lot of effort into preparing for the birthday party.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提到發生在 1964 年這一天的種族暴動,因此可推知下一句可能會提及此事件之結果,而 (A) 項提到,中國人與馬來西亞人兩個群體間的暴力衝突造成 36 人死亡以及 556 人受傷,前後產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    separate a. 不同的
    My mother uses separate chopping boards for cooked and uncooked food.
  4. 第四題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及,學童們(school children)在種族和諧日那天,被鼓勵想想新加坡如何成功成為一個建立在種族多樣性及和諧共處的社會,選項 (E) 中加以補充說明,學生們(students)也受到鼓勵穿著他們的傳統服飾,兩句產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. what's more,...  更重要的是,……;此外
    = furthermore adv.
    I am upset with your behavior. What's more, your attitude is terrible.
    b. be encouraged to V  被鼓勵(做)……
    be discouraged from V-ing 被勸阻(做)……
    The students were encouraged to learn a second language at school.
    People are discouraged from smoking by the warnings labels on cigarette packaging.
    c. costume n. (某地或某歷史時期的)服裝
  5. 第五題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及,最近的一起事件中,可以發現『種族不容忍』如何被嚴肅看待的好例子,張艾美在她的臉書上張貼了對馬來西亞社區的抱怨以及風涼話,而選項 (B) 中繼續補充說明整起事件的後續發展,儘管張艾美對於她的評論稍後作了公開道歉,但她還是被工會中心開除,前後語意連貫。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. apologize vi. 道歉
    apologize to sb for sth  因某事向某人道歉
    The waiter apologized to Harvey for spilling soup on him.
    b. publicly adv. 公開地
    = in public
    The businessman publicly announced his decision to run for mayor yesterday.
    c. a trade union  工會
  1. diverse a. 多樣性的,不同的
    The city's diverse population makes life around here interesting.
  2. tension n. 緊張
    Jogging can help relieve work-related tension and anxiety.
  3. flare up  突然爆發
    The protests in Egypt flared up when the police arrested the leader of the opposition party.
  4. observe vt. 觀察
    The biologist observed the monkeys grooming each other.
  5. be urged to V  被鼓勵/力勸(做)……
    I was urged by my friend to take a vacation to Thailand.
  6. intolerance n. 不寬容
    We are making an effort to crush hatred and intolerance.
    *hatred n. 仇恨
  7. insensitive a. 漠視的;感覺遲鈍的
    be sensitive / insensitive to...
    Henry has always been sensitive to criticism.
    Lisa is completely insensitive to my feelings.
  8. take...into account/consideration
    Brad didn't take anyone's advice into consideration before he made his decision.
  9. condemn vt. 譴責
    The government condemns drunk driving and will punish offenders severely.
  1. in harmony  和睦相處
  2. ethnically adv. 種族上
    ethnicity n. 少數民族
  3. remarkably adv. 明顯地
  4. harmonious a. 和諧的
  5. city-state n. 城邦
  6. peacefully adv. 和平地
  7. attraction n. 吸引人之處;吸引力
  8. a tourist attraction  觀光景點
  9. riot n. 暴動
  10. diversity n.(人在種族、宗教上等方面的)多樣性
  11. incident n. 事件;騷動
  12. post vt. 張貼
  13. remark n. 評論,意見

  對於這樣一個種族多元化的國家而言,新加坡顯然是一個非常和諧的社會。儘管種族上及宗教上的緊張情勢經常在世上許多地區爆發,但在新加坡這個城邦都市中,各式人種和平共處了幾十年。而其中百分之七十五的人口是 華人,剩下的四分之一則是由馬來西亞人、印度人及其他少數種族混合而成。
  遊客享受著新加坡的購物、美食及其他吸引人的事物,他們或許還沒意識到,他們所觀察到的種族和諧絕非偶然。該國已經為了建立並保持其居民間的良好關係投入了大量的精力。在每年的 7 月 21 日,該國會慶祝『種族和諧日』,這個日子是用來紀念發生在 1964 年這一天的種族暴動。那一年兩起不同的事件都發生了華人及馬來西亞人兩個群體間的暴力衝突,造成 36 人死亡以及 556 人受傷。在種族和諧日那天,學童被鼓勵要想想新加坡如何成功成為一個建立在種族多樣性及和諧共處的社會。更重要的是,學生們被鼓勵穿著他們的傳統服飾。
答案:1. F 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B

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