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2013/02/26 第90期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Riders for Health  為健康奮鬥的騎士

  When you have a cold, you go to the local drugstore and pick up some medicine. When you are under the weather, the doctor at your neighborhood clinic will treat you. However, many people in the world don't have health care. There is no one in their hometown or even in the next town to help with basic health problems. Riders for Health is an organization that is out to put an end to this situation one kilometer at a time.
  Many medical supplies are given to countries in need. However, transporting them is hard, especially to remote towns that can only be reached by long, rough roads. Even if vehicles are available, they have a history of breaking down, and seldom is there anyone who can repair them. Luckily, Riders for Health is providing vehicles and vehicle care in Africa, which keeps them running as well as medical supplies and professionals moving. Daily vehicle checks, training for mechanics and drivers, and setting high standards are what make the system work. The organization also provides local jobs and teaches the community about preventive maintenance. Riders for Health is helping to change the world by keeping it running.


  您感冒的時候會去您當地的藥局買藥。身體不舒服時,您家附近診所的醫生會為您診治。然而,世上有許多人得不到醫療保健。他們的家鄉甚或鄰鎮都無人可以幫忙處理基本的健康問題。Riders for Health 這個組織正力圖一次奔馳一小段路、逐漸終結這樣的情況。
  許多醫療補給品會被分送到有需要的國家。然而運送這些藥品的過程艱鉅,尤其是送到那些僅能透過漫長崎嶇的道路才可抵達的偏遠鄉鎮。即使有了交通工具,這些車輛也屢次故障,而且鮮少有人會修理。幸運的是,Riders for Health在非洲提供了車輛及維修服務,使得車子能繼續奔馳,醫療補給和專業人士也能順利移動。每日的車輛檢查、技工與駕駛的訓練、再加上訂定的高標準,都是讓這套系統運作得當的祕訣。這個組織也為當地提供工作機會,並且教導當地社區關於預防保養的觀念。Riders for Health讓世界保持移動,藉此改變整個世界。

  1. under the weather  身體不舒服
    John was feeling a bit under the weather, so he took a day off from work.
  2. be out to + 原形動詞  試圖/力圖(做)……
    The students are out to change the education system in their country.
  3. supplies n. 補給品;必需品(恆用複數)
    The earthquake victims are in urgent need of food and other supplies.
  4. remote a. 遙遠的,偏遠的
    In a remote part of the country lives a tribe unaffected by human development.
  5. have a history of...  有多次(做)……的歷史
    The British politician has a history of lying, so many people don't trust him.
  6. seldom adv. 很少,不常
    Mary s eldom has the time to go to the movies, so she rents DVDs instead.
  7. repair vt. 修理,修補
    My father repaired the leaky faucet in the bathroom with a few simple tools.
  8. preventive a. 預防(性)的
    When traveling abroad, it is best to take preventive measures to avoid getting sick.
  1. clinic n. 診所
  2. mechanic n. 技工,機械工

seldom(很少)為否定副詞,置句首時,其後的主要子句須採倒裝句構。常見的否定副詞尚有 rarely(很少)、hardly(幾乎不)、scarcely(幾乎不)、never(從不)
Joseph can hardly tell the twin brothers apart.
= Hardly can Joseph tell the twin brothers apart.
Play on words(雙關語)
本文第一段最末行的 one kilometer at a time 為一種 play on words(雙關語)的用法。此處借用了片語 one step at a time(一步一步來),將當中的 step 改為較適合車輛行駛距離的 kilometer(公里),以達到一語雙關的效果。

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