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2013/12/17 第130期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Fairy Doors 妖精之門

  Do you believe in fairies? If not, perhaps a trip to the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, will change your mind. All over town, you will see tiny doors in the walls of various places, and what is behind the doors is truly special. Children delight in opening these doors to reveal incredible miniature worlds where tiny fairies might live, work, and play. At the local movie theater, a mini-door was built into the theater's own wooden doors. If you open it up, you will see a small fairy theater made just for the magical creatures.
  Where did these little fairy doors come from? They jumped from the creative mind of local Ann Arbor artist Jonathan Wright. He got his start building fairy doors in his own home. His kids loved them, and he used them in the telling of fantastic stories. In 2005, he began putting these creative doors around town. Before long, he had his own fairy door business called Urban Fairies Operations. Through the power of imagination, Wright has turned an ordinary town into a place of childlike wonder.



  1. believe in...  相信……(的存在)
    I have always believed in the goodness of people.
  2. change one's mind  改變某人的心意
    Ray changed his mind about quitting and continued to work for the company.
  3. delight in...  以……為樂
    Many students delight in playing online games.
  4. reveal vt. 顯示/現出
    Tammy unlocked the door to reveal a hidden passage.
  5. before long  沒多久/不久後
    Before long, I will be married and have a family of my own.
  6. imagination n. 想像(力)
    Reading that famous writer's novels can spark your imagination and creativity.
  7. turn A into B  將A變成B
    This couch is more than meets the eye because it can be turned into a bed.
  8. wonder n. 驚喜;驚奇
    Filled with wonder, the child couldn't take her eyes off the TV screen.
  1. miniature a. 小型的,很小的
  2. creature n. 生物
  3. operation n. 企業

形容一樣東西『小』可以用 small 來表示,但如果要形容『十分細小、微小』之物,就可用 tiny 來形容。另外,minute 表『十分細小、微小』之意。

The artist paints on tiny grains of rice.
= The artist paints on minute grains of rice.

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