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2015/07/07 第203期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Roswell UFO Festival 一起來狂歡吧 ── 羅斯威爾幽浮節

   In the middle of 1947, a strange object landed on a ranch1 near the city of Roswell, New Mexico. Immediately, newspapers across the United States announced that a UFO had landed. Many people believed that it was an alien spaceship2. The official story is that it was a high-tech3 balloon that crashed in a rancher's field. The debate goes on today whether this was a balloon or an alien spaceship. It does not much matter to Roswell, where aliens are the theme of a growing tourism industry, including an annual UFO festival.
  The Roswell UFO Festival is a family event that draws tourists from around the world. It has costume parties for humans and their pets and a parade to show off those costumes. There are athletic events like the Alien Chase, which is a race in several different distances. Family activities include arts and crafts4, science experiments, and a carnival with games and rides. For people who are more serious, the festival also invites various experts and guest speakers to discuss UFOs in a more professional setting. These experts include UFO investigators5, professors, and even people claiming to have had real contact with actual aliens. The UFO Festival may be odd, but it is never boring.








  1947 年間,一個奇怪的物體降落在新墨西哥州的羅斯威爾市附近的一個農場。很快地,全美各地的報紙聲稱有一架幽浮降落了。許多人相信那是一艘外星人的太空船。官方版的說法則說墜落在農場主人田地上的是高科技氣球。至今人們仍不斷爭論著這究竟是一個氣球還是一艘外星人的太空船。這對羅斯威爾市來說並不重要,在這裡,外星人是日益興盛的觀光業的要角,還包括了一年一度的幽浮節。
  羅斯威爾幽浮節是一個適合全家大小一起參與的節慶,吸引了世界各地的觀光客。幽浮節有變裝派對,人們可以和他們的寵物一同來參與,並且還有一場遊行來讓人們炫耀他們的奇裝異服。節慶上還有像 Alien Chase 這樣的運動賽事,Alien Chase 是分成不同距離的跑步比賽。全家一起同樂的活動包括手工藝、科學實驗,還有一場有遊戲和遊樂設施的嘉年華。為了那些比較認真看待幽浮的人,節慶上也邀請了各領域的專家和演講人來賓,一同在較為專業的環境之中探討幽浮。這些專家包括了幽浮研究員、教授,甚至是聲稱和真實的外星人有過真正接觸的人。羅斯威爾幽浮節也許有點奇怪,但是一定不會讓你感到無聊。

  1. object n. 物體,實物
    It's amazing that an ant can carry objects many times heavier than its weight.
  2. official a. 官方的,正式的
    The official explanation of the event is not convincing.
    * convincing a. 有說服力的
  3. tourism n. 觀光業,旅遊業
    Thailand depends on tourism for much of its economy.
  4. athletic a. 體育的,運動的
    On that shelf are all of the trophies Daniel has won throughout his athletic career.
    * trophy n. 獎盃
  5. carnival n. 狂歡(節);嘉年華會
    The highlight of our trip to Venice was the carnival.
  6. expert n. 專家
    After many years of training, David has become an expert in this field.
  7. claim to V 聲稱……
    The suspect claimed to be innocent of the robbery, but no one believed him.
    * suspect n. 嫌疑犯
  8. odd a. 古怪的,奇怪的
    A number of odd happenings took place in that old house.
    * happening n.(意外)發生的事
  1. ranch n. 大牧場,大農場
  2. spaceship n. 太空船
  3. high-tech a. 高科技的
  4. arts and crafts 手工藝
  5. investigator n. 調查員

contact 的用法
本文 "......and even people claiming to have had real contact with actual aliens." 中的 contact 為名詞,表『接觸、聯繫』之意,與之相關的片語有 lose contact with... 和 keep in contact with...,分別表『和……失去聯絡』及『和……保持聯絡』。例:

I lost contact with Natalie after she moved to another city.
Jenny promised to keep in contact with me after she moved away.

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