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2012/10/01 第3期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



1.  If you ask me 依我看(不要說:如果你問我)
if you ask me為英語口語慣用表達,很接近中文的「依我看」,別人不定問你,說話的人自己找一個台階,就有話說了。不要理解為"你要是問我":
If you ask me, she doesn't really want the job. 依我看,她並不真正想要這份工作。
He was nuts, if you ask me. 我覺得他是個瘋子。

2.  Ask me another 我怎麼知道、不知道(不要說:問我另外的事)
這句話用來回答熟人或朋友之間無聊的提問,意是:問點新鮮的; 多此一問;我怎麼知道;別傻裡傻氣。如:
A:Then how old is the lady? 那麼這位女士多大年紀了?
B:Ask me another. 我怎麼知道。

有時也用來回答一般性提問,意為:不知道(=I don't know)。如:
A:What's the population of Japan? 日本有多少人口?
B:Ask me another. 我不知道。
A:How much does such a computer cost? 那樣的電腦要花多少錢?
B:Ask me another. 我說不上來。

3.  Believe it or not 真不可思議、你相信嗎(不要說:信或不信)
I asked my boss for a month's holiday and, believe it or not, he agreed. 我向老闆請一個月的假,真不可思議,他同意了。
Believe it or not, this mosque is in the heart of London. 你相信嗎?這座清真寺就在倫敦市中心。
有時也說 Would you believe it?

4.  That reminds me 哦,對了(不要說:那提醒我)
A: The phone bill is big this month, isn't it? 這個月的話費很高,是吧?
B: That reminds me. I have to pay the electric bill, too. 對了,我們還得交電費。

5.  You know what(助詞,不必翻譯)
"You know what是大多數美國人的口頭禪。是一個典型的不能按字面意思來理解的句子,說話的人並不是問你知道什麼。不妨把"You know what?看成是"Guess what?
You know what有時帶點負面情緒,說出來有助於情緒宣洩,例如:
She thinks she's the center of the universe and the whole world should revolve around her. You know what? She's absolutely wrong. 她覺得自己是宇宙中心,所有人都應該圍著她團團轉,你知道嗎,她大錯特錯!
"You know what? 有時可以是中性,比如你突然想到一個點子的時候,你可以說"You know what? We should try this." 你知道嗎?我們應該試試。

6.  I have an idea 我有個主意
A: I can't understand these directions. 我看不懂這些說明。
B: I have an idea. Let's ask Jim. He's an expert. 我有辦法。我們去問Jim吧,他是這方面的專家。



1.  My husband will have a business trip to France. And I’m going to join.我老公將到法國出差,而我將同行。

2.  He saves money. He works hard and spends little. 他很節省,努力工作及少花費。

3.  How to tell real pearls from fake ones?如何分辡別真假珍珠?

4.   She is over 20-year old experienced person in the neoplastic field. 她是外科整型界20多年的老手。

5.  She talks so much that no one can cut in the word. 她太多話了,以致於沒人可以插話。

6.  My apartment lease is almost up, and I’ll sign a new one with my landlord.


1.  My husband will have a business trip to France. And I’m going to tag along.

tag along (phr. )同行或尾隨ex. My younger sister often tagged along when I went out with my classmates.(從前我妹總像跟屁蟲一樣,跟著我與同學一同出遊)

2.  He is thrifty. He works hard and spends very little.

stingy (a.) 形容一個人很小氣及吝嗇; thrifty(a.)形容一個人努力工作又擅於節省開支ex. The thrifty woman would not purchase the item without a coupon. (有折價卷,這位節省的女士才願消費)

3.  How do you tell genuine pearls from fake ones?

genuine (a.)真的/非偽造的ex. The ring is genuine gold. 純金戒子

4.  She is a 20-plus-year veteran in the neoplastic field.

20-plus year 20多年的; veteran (a.)/(n.)老手/前輩/富有經驗的人ex. The sales manager leading this case is a veteran. 主導這個案子的是一位有經驗的業務經理)

5.  She talks so much that no one can get a word in edgeways.

get a word in edgeways(phr. )插話ex. I could not get a word in edgewise so I left the meeting. (因無


6.  My apartment lease is almost up, but I’m planning on resigning with my landlord.

lease (n.)土地、建築物等租賃物/租契,租約ex. I can't afford the car lease. (我無法負擔車子的租金)

;contract契約/合同,house contract 為買房子時所簽下的購買契約,ex. real estate purchase contract.

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下禮拜我們要來談談 "Soft Skills: 職場經理人應具備的六大軟技能"  敬請期待!
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