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2014/01/02 第42期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
本週課文 Getting Started 創業面面觀
英語達人 Q1: My uncle made a __________ to quit smoking cigarettes and cigars.
語文教室 片語 keep the lights on
好康快報 *2014一開年就讓您 “裡面雙贏”!
Getting Started 創業面面觀
Ben: Uncle Bob. Sandy and I are talking about starting a business. What do you think?

Uncle Bob: I think that's great! What kind of business are you interested in starting?

Ben: I've been thinking about setting up a little company that makes smartphone apps. But we're not sure. I really don't know anything about starting a business.

Uncle Bob: It sounds like a business plan would be very advantageous for you.

Ben: But I have a business plan. I just told you – I'm going to make apps!

Uncle Bob: No, Ben. That's a business idea. A business plan is very different. A business plan is a written document that lays out a lot of specific information about your business.

Ben: I guess making a business plan would help me think through all of those details. I'm more worried about the financial aspects of starting a business, though. It can take a long time to make a business profitable. How will I keep the lights on?

Uncle Bob: Your business plan should help you with that in a couple of ways. First it should predict what your operational costs will be and how many sales you need to make your company profitable.

Ben: So if I write a business plan, what do you think the outlook for my business will be?

Uncle Bob: A good business plan will answer that question far better than I can, Ben. Let's get some more coffee.

Ben: That sounds good!














Q1: My uncle made a __________ to quit smoking cigarettes and cigars.
(A) depression (B) resolution (C) confusion (D) protection

Q2: The nation's economic __________ is brighter than it was a year ago.
(A) garnet (B) pediatrician (C) hospitality (D) outlook



片語 keep the lights on

單字:outlook 展望;前景

例句:The outlook for this week's weather is great.



*2014一開年就讓您 “裡面雙贏”!

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(1) B (2) D



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