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2014/01/09 第43期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
本週課文 Financing Your Business 企業籌措資金之道
英語達人 Q1: A balloon like this __________ if the air inside it warms up.
語文教室 We're looking into small business loans ...
好康快報 *2014一開年就讓您 “裡面雙贏”!
Financing Your Business 企業籌措資金之道
Ben: We followed your advice and signed up for a small business program through our local community development association. The crucial challenge now is financing. Obviously, we will fund the company with our savings, but I'm worried that we've underestimated costs and could run out of money.

Uncle Bob: That is a very important issue for small businesses to deal with. After all, undercapitalization is one of the major reasons that small businesses often fail.

Ben: I know. We're looking into small business loans, but the interest rates seem really high. How did you pay for your hardware stores when you first started?

Uncle Bob: To be honest, I didn't actually start the first store. Instead, your Aunt June and I used our savings to buy into an existing business. Later, we bought out our business partner and then expanded the business.

Ben: So you didn't arrange outside financing?

Uncle Bob: Not at first. Like you said, lenders often charge a premium for small business loans because they are so risky. We were worried that the cost of servicing a loan would actually hurt the business. Instead of borrowing right away, we waited until the business was a little better established. Then we borrowed money and used it to expand the business.

Ben: So you think we should wait before getting a loan? How will I know when the time is right to borrow?

Uncle Bob: Once companies are more established, the owners have a lot more choices. They might, for example, get a line of credit, take on a partner or get a loan. If borrowing money will make you money, then it's time to consider it.

班 :我們照您的建議,透過本地的社區發展協會加入了一個小型企業計畫。目前最重要的挑戰就是籌措資金。很明顯地,我們要用存款來為公司注資,可是我擔心低估了成本,恐怕會把錢用光。


班 :我知道。我們正在研究小型企業貸款,可是利息似乎太高了。你最初開始經營五金行時,是怎麼籌錢的?


班 :這麼說來,你沒有安排向外籌措資金了?


班 :所以你認為我們應該多等一下再貸款?我怎麼知道貸款的時機到了?




Q1: A balloon like this __________ if the air inside it warms up.
(A) that expands (B) has expanded (C) will expand (D) was expanding

Q2: It is __________ that we get to the sales meeting on time.
(A) unrepentant (B) octagonal (C) crucial (D) ergonomic



We're looking into small business loans ...
動詞片語 look into 從字面上就是看得深入,所以有審視、調查的意思。在這裡可以當「研究」解。例句:

• My husband and I are looking into houses along the coast.



*2014一開年就讓您 “裡面雙贏”!

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