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2014/01/16 第44期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
編輯小語 很忙吼?! 再忍耐一下,快放長假了...
本週課文 Chinese New Year農曆春節
英語達人 Q1: The truck driver was talking on his cellphone __________ to the accident.
語文教室 I'm not . . . anymore.
好康快報 *國際書展優惠開跑
很忙吼?! 再忍耐一下,快放長假了...




Chinese New Year農曆春節
Rob: Hi, Joe! I have something for you.

Joe: Hey, Rob. Is it some work?

Rob: No. I have a gift for you!

Joe: A gift? Why?

Rob: Happy Chinese New Year! Here's a red envelope for you! Red envelopes are a traditional gift at Chinese New Year.

Joe: So people give them to their friends?

Rob: Most people don't. Family members give red envelopes. Parents give them to their young children.

Joe: I'm not a child anymore. I have a job now. Why are you giving a red envelope to me?

Rob: Red envelopes are also for fun. I'm giving them to friends at the office. So what's inside a red envelope? Can you guess?

Joe: Money? Am I right?

Rob: You're right!

Joe: Thanks, Rob. Happy Chinese New Year!

Rob: Happy Year of the Horse!


喬 :嘿,羅柏,是工作嗎?


喬 :禮物?為什麼?


喬 :所以大家會送紅包給朋友?


喬 :我已經不是小孩子了,我現在有工作了。你為什麼給我紅包?


喬 :是錢?我說得對嗎?


喬 :羅柏,謝謝!春節快樂!




Q1: The truck driver was talking on his cellphone __________ to the accident.
(A) prior (B) thoughtful (C) lunar (D) overnight

Q2: Please__________that the car has enough gas for the trip to Taichung.
(A) rebound (B) qualify (C) ensure (D) blur



I'm not . . . anymore.
Anymore通常用在否定或疑問句中,和any longer是一樣的意思,可以互相代換。例句:

• I'm not a student anymore.
• I'm not in the math club anymore.

Red envelopes are a traditional gift at Chinese New Year.

這句的主詞 red envelopes 是複數,但是後面的補語 a traditional gift 是單數,因為整個主詞被視為同一類,所以用單數的補語。例句:

• Dumplings are my favorite Chinese dish.
• Pineapple cakes are a popular snack in Taiwan.





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(1) A (2) C



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