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  2013/09/13 第171期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Thomas Edison made the first sound recording in 1877. He recorded himself singing “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” At the time, people did not think Edison’s invention would be useful. Many laughed at him. His recording machine seemed unbelievable. People thought that the only way to hear music was to be near a musician.

Edison’s recording machine was called the phonograph. It was hard to use. To record sound and play it back, someone had to turn a crank exactly 60 times a minute. If not, the recording wouldn’t sound right.

The early recordings did not look like the ones we see today. They were cylinders covered with tinfoil. The phonograph had a needle that scratched the sound into the tinfoil. The recordings were not very clear. They could only be played back a few times before wearing out.

Ten years later, Emile Berliner designed a better recording machine. It used a flat disc made of plastic. These “records” lasted a lot longer than the tinfoil cylinders. For the first time, people could buy music and play it over and over on a player.

Still, Berliner’s records only held about two minutes of music. In 1948, Columbia Records introduced the LP. LP stands for longplaying record. One LP held up to 30 minutes of music per side. Long symphonies could now be recorded. The LP, which changed music recording all over the world, came at a good time. In the 1950s, popular music and culture were growing quickly. Musicians wanted to make recordings, and people wanted to buy them. The LP allowed radio stations to play different kinds of music.

By 1962, people could also buy music on magnetic tapes. These tapes were put into plastic cases called cassettes. Cassettes were cheap and much more portable than LPs. In 1979, Sony invented a portable machine that played cassettes. This allowed people to listen to music anywhere.

Three years later, compact discs, called CDs, were introduced. They sounded better than any other type of recording. CDs could hold more than an hour of music. By the 1990s, CDs had mostly replaced LPs.

In 1998, a new invention came on the market: an MP3 player. This device stores, organizes, and plays digital audio files. An MP3 player offers high-quality sound and is more versatile than a CD.

In 1877, people laughed at Edison’s first scratchy recording. But his invention was the beginning of important changes in the way people share sounds and music.




十年後,埃米爾•柏林納(Emile Berliner)設計出一款更佳的留聲機。他以塑膠製的圓盤來錄音,這些記錄在圓盤上的聲音比起錫箔圓筒更持久。這也是有史以來,人們第一次能將音樂唱片買回家,在播放機上一遍又一遍地播放音樂。



3年後,發明了光學碟片(Compact Discs),簡稱CD。CD的錄音品質比其他任何一種都還要好,而且能錄製超過一小時的音樂。到了1990年代,CD已經取代了大多數的黑膠唱片。





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