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2014/06/06 第209期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂-求職技巧──電話連絡
【英語學習Plus】 投訴與回覆投訴常用說法
【本月發燒書】 Fun學英文簡報:商務簡報技巧
【好康情報局】 畢業即失/就業?新鮮人求職展
有效使用電話,是每一個企業或機關行號所倚賴的重要溝通技巧。在找尋工作的過程當中,你可能會需要透過電話聯絡,獲得資訊或詢問工作的可能性。 ........more
<< 節錄「寂天講堂」-求職技巧──電話連絡 >>
Writing complaint letters: Making the complaint 撰寫投訴信:投訴
I am sorry to say that the service at your restaurant was shoddy and rofessional.
It pains me to report that the shoes I purchased from you on Tuesday have already developed holes.
Unfortunately, I could not use the defective product you sent.
I regret to inform you that . . . 很遺憾我必須通知您......
Writing complaint letters: Asking for a restitution or replacement 要求賠償或換貨
Please send a new product as soon as possible.
I would appreciate it if another technician could come to fix the printer.
I am looking forward to receiving the replacement . . .
I hope you can provide me with a new . . .希望貴公司能夠寄來新的......
Writing response letters: Apologizing for complaints 就投訴進行回覆:道歉
We are so sorry to hear that you experienced bad service in our restaurant.
We deeply regret the problems you have had with our Sophia shoes.
我們非常遺憾我們的Sohpia 鞋款為您帶來不便。
We are surprised and very sorry to hear that . . .
We apologize for the defective goods. 我們為這些有缺陷的產品道歉。
Writing response letters: Denying invalid complaints 回拒不合理的投訴
In view of the fact that . . . we cannot take responsibility for the problem . . .
I am sorry that, according to our policy, we cannot offer you a replacement.
It seems that since the problem occurred somewhere outside your area of responsibility, we will not be able to . . . 由於這個問題似乎是在我們的控制範圍外產生的,因此我們無法……
<< 本篇選自英文商務書信範例&應用(彩圖二版) >>
歐亨利短篇小說選 說英語Fun遊台灣 彩圖初級英文文法Let’s See!
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