What Is a Food Chain |
All animals must eat to survive. Some eat plants. Some eat animals. And others eat both plants and animals. A food chain shows the relationship of each animal to the others.
At the bottom of a food chain are the plant eaters. They are often prey animals. They are usually small animals like squirrels and rabbits. Sometimes they are bigger animals like deer. Animals higher on the food chain eat these animals. They might be owls, snakes, and raccoons. Then, bigger animals like bears and wolves eat these animals. Finally, we reach the top of the food chain. The most dangerous animal of all is here: man.
食物鏈的最底端是草食動物, 牠們通常也是獵物, 像松鼠和兔子之類的小型動物都屬於此類;有時如鹿這種體型較大的動物也算在內。食物鏈中層級較高的動物會以這些草食動物為食,像是貓頭鷹、蛇和浣熊;而更大型的動物如熊和狼,會吃掉上述這些動物。最後便來到了食物鏈的最頂端,也就是最危險的動物:人類 |
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