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2022/03/18 第609期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 演講的開場白
【英語學習Plus】 Stand Up and Say Something 挺身發聲
【本月發燒書】 The Little Prince(25K原著彩圖版+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★強檔推薦★新制多益滿分奪金演練系列



★ 歡迎出席者並向他們致意
ヾ Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for being here.
ゝ Welcome, everyone. It's great to see so many people at an event like this.

★ 介紹你的演說主旨並陳述目的
ヾ We've come here today to learn about some new products.
ゝ Today, I'd like to talk to you about emerging market trends.
ゞ This presentation will cover current projects and upcoming business.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「演講的開場白」

Stand Up and Say Something 挺身發聲

Dear diary,

 What a day; I don't even know where to begin.

 I was on the bus, like any other afternoon. It was very crowded. All of a sudden, the man next to me started bumping into me. I even felt his hand touching my behind. This was no accident. That man was taking advantage of me.

 At first, I couldn't move. I felt shocked and scared. But then another feeling arrived: anger. I turned around and faced the man. I looked him in the eye and shouted: "hands off, pervert!" He was so surprised. He never expected his victim to stand up for herself.

 This terrible experience will stay with me for a long time. But it is not all bad. Some good came from it as well. Other people really wanted to help me. One woman even walked me all the way home. And the pervert didn't get away. He is now with the police.

 I am glad that I didn't let him get away with it, and I feel proud of myself. I think it is important to speak out. It may be difficult, but at least you will not be alone.




剛開始我動彈不得。我震驚又害怕。但很快就出現另一種感受:「憤怒」。我轉過去面對這名男子。我看著他的眼睛大喊:「變態,手拿開!」他很驚訝,他應該從未料 到,受害者會為自己挺身而出。




The Little Prince(25K原著彩圖版+寂天雲隨身聽APP)



FUN學美國英語課本:各學科關鍵英單Grade 3【二版】(菊8K+ Workbook+寂天雲隨身聽APP)

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