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2020/10/19第367期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 開學書展大作戰
Visiting a Flower Shop

1. Buying Flowers for Someone Special
Ray is browsing in a flower shop.
S=Shopkeeper R=Ray
S: That’s a Casa Blanca lily. If you’re familiar with the language of flowers, it represents beauty, class, and style.
R: That’s perfect.
S: However, it is one of my more expensive flowers . . . Is this for your wife?
R: Wife? No, no, no! It’s for a girl I like.
S: How about a rose or a tulip? Tulips represent perfect love.
R: Everyone gives roses. And there’s no such thing as perfect love.
S: Hmm . . . (Shows Ray a small bunch of flowers) How about baby’s breath? It represents everlasting love and purity.
R: It’s beautiful. I think that’s the one.

2. Buying a Plant for an Office Desk
Hank is in a flower shop. Hank heads straight for the shopkeeper.
H=Hank S=Shopkeeper
H: Hi, I’d like a cactus, please.
S: And you seem determined to get one!
H: I’ve done my homework. I’m getting a cactus for my office desk to clean the air and cheer me up at work.
S: Right, one cactus coming up. (She places a small cactus on the counter.) This one is well suited to an office environment.
H: I’ll take it.
S: Now, it’s important not to give cacti too much water. Water it every couple of weeks or when it starts to wilt.
H: I understand.


1. 買花送給特別的人
老闆: 那是香水百合。如果你熟悉花語,它代表美麗、優雅和風格。
雷: 太好了。
老闆: 然而,它是我店裡比較昂貴的其中一種花……是送你太太的嗎?
雷: 太太?不、不、不。是送我喜歡的女孩。
老闆: 玫瑰或鬱金香如何?鬱金香代表完美的愛情。
雷: 每個人都送玫瑰。而且根本沒有完美的愛情這回事。
老闆: 嗯……(給雷看了一小束花)滿天星怎麼樣?它代表永恆的愛和純潔。
雷: 很漂亮。我想就是這個了。

2. 買盆植物裝飾辦公桌

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.234 10月號Live互動英語雜誌 》

Plants and Flowers


plum blossom 梅花
bougainvillea 九重葛
cherry blossom 櫻花
hibiscus 朱槿;扶桑
azalea 杜鵑
camellia 山茶花
jasmine 茉莉花
peony 牡丹
potted plants 盆栽
monkey cups 豬籠草
ZZ plant 金錢樹
monstera 龜背芋
snake plant 虎尾蘭
succulent plants 多肉植物
ghost plant 石蓮花
cactus 仙人掌(複數形為cacti,亦可寫作cactuses、cactus)
crane flower 天堂鳥(又稱bird-of-paradise)
flamingo flower 火鶴花
calla lily 海芋
morning glory 牽牛花;喇叭花
Casa Blanca lily 香水百合
iris 鳶尾花
tulip 鬱金香
daisy 雛菊
carnation 康乃馨
rose 玫瑰
sunflower 向日葵
lavender 薰衣草
baby's breath 滿天星
orchid 蘭花
chrysanthemum 菊花(可簡稱為mum
narcissus 水仙花(又稱daffodil
lotus 蓮花;荷花

2020/10/19 (一)

Although the figure in the painting certainly appears afraid, the "Scream" of the title is not about them.

2020/10/20 (二)

While these facts might not make your jaw drop like the figure in the painting, it's significant that people still care about The Scream over a hundred years after its creation.

2020/10/21 (三)

Each species varies greatly in size.

2020/10/22 (四)

People think chameleons change their colors to hide from predators.

2020/10/23 (五)

Everyone gives roses. And there's no such thing as perfect love.



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