簡介:◎ 尾牙派對常用字
◎ worth、mind 的搭配用法
Wonderful Weiya: Planning the Perfect Party
Dear All:
As the year winds down, let me be first to congratulate you on a job well done. Success is a joint venture, so thank you all for your contributions.
The Welfare Committee would like to announce the arrival of our year-end banquet, which will be held on Friday, January 26, 2018 at the Sherwood Taipei between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m.
Highlights will include a notable emcee and several A-list entertainers. Annual traditions — an opening performance, a toast from the CEO and the lucky draw — will be continued, along with games and other entertainment. Please see the attached seating chart and formal invitation for full details. The theme this year is dogs, so remember to dress accordingly!
With joyful anticipation,
Oliver Fields
Welfare Committee Chair
福委會在此宣布,尾牙餐會將於 2018 年 1 月 26 日星期五晚間六點至九點,假台北西華飯店舉辦。
亮點將包括知名主持人和數位 A 咖藝人。開場表演、執行長舉杯祝賀及幸運抽獎等年度傳統將照舊,遊戲和其他餘興節目也是。請參照附件桌次表和正式邀請函以了解完整細節。今年的主題是「汪星人」,所以記得做相應的打扮!