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2018/10/16 第385期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Highly Sensitive People  高敏感一族 是福還是禍?
by Daniel Howard

The science is in: some people are way more sensitive than others.


  Everyone knows at least one person who takes everything personally and often overreacts to situations. However, this person is probably also aware of things around them that others don’t notice. If this sounds like someone you know, there’s a good chance he or she is a highly sensitive person (HSP).
  While an HSP sounds like someone who should just lighten up and stop taking everything so seriously, they really can’t help it. Being sensitive is actually part of their brain chemistry. Scientists have discovered that around 20% of the world’s population responds more strongly to experiences and emotions. A highly sensitive person will often express much stronger emotions than others. They may laugh, cry, or get angry more easily, and they are inclined to feel annoyed or insulted faster than people who aren’t highly sensitive. Criticism can ruin an HSP’s day, week, or month, while praise can have the opposite effect. Extreme cases also make the person more sensitive to bright lights and loud noises. Though they may be very social, many HSPs need quite a lot of time alone, as being around people all the time can be tiring.
  Luckily for highly sensitive people, there are a lot of advantages to being an HSP, too. They tend to be hyper-aware of their surroundings and are especially good at understanding how others are thinking and feeling. These traits make them good friends who are excellent listeners and attentive to others’ needs. And of course, they tend to notice things around them that others miss, so they are great at giving advice from a different perspective. Being highly sensitive can make things challenging, but it can also be an advantage. What do you think? Do the pros outweigh the cons?

1. According to the article, what is true about highly sensitive people?
(A) They tend to overreact to situations.
(B) They have more friends than normal.
(C) They usually work in high-paying jobs.
(D) They prefer to spend time with machines rather than people.

2. Why are highly sensitive people different?
(A) Highly sensitive people have difficult childhoods.
(B) Others frequently misunderstand what they mean.
(C) They need special glasses to see clearly.
(D) Their brain chemistry is not the same as other people.

3. What is NOT likely to negatively affect a highly sensitive person?
(A) A crowded party.
(B) Criticism of their work.
(C) A silent room.
(D) Turning on all the lights in the house.

4. Why are highly sensitive people good at giving advice?
(A) They often notice things that other people miss.
(B) They have larger vocabularies.
(C) They never criticize others.
(D) They always know what others are thinking.


1. sensitive a. 敏感的
One stereotype about women is that they are more sensitive than men.
 *stereotype n. 刻板印象

2. annoyed a. 感到惱怒的
The annoyed woman sat at the table waiting for the waiter to come.

3. insult vt. & n. 侮辱,羞辱(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
: add insult to injury  更糟的是,雪上加霜的是
Jim decided to take revenge on the person who had insulted him.
 *take revenge on...  報復……
Jack’s girlfriend walked out on him. To add insult to injury, she spoke ill of him behind his back.
 *walk out on...  拋棄/遺棄……
speak ill of...  詆毀……

4. criticism n. 批評;評論
: criticize vt. 批評
We are open to criticism and welcome anything constructive.
The new law was bitterly criticized by various groups.

5. praise n. 讚美,讚揚
: in praise of...  讚美……
Peter gave a speech in praise of his company’s success.

6. extreme a. 極端的;非常的;激烈的
: extremely adv. 極度地,非常
Bruce remained calm in the face of extreme danger.
Rita was extremely happy upon hearing the good news.

7. trait n. 特質,特徵
Interestingly, researchers have found a link between the order in which children are born and certain personality traits.

8. challenging a. 具有挑戰性的
In general, Karen’s new job is challenging and very exciting.

9. misunderstand vt. 誤會
: misunderstanding n. 誤會
Ivy misunderstood the letter Tom sent her.
Their misunderstanding arose from a lack of communication.

overreact vi. 反應過度(與介詞 to 並用)
chemistry n. 化學反應
: physical chemistry  物理化學
hyper-aware  過度敏銳的
 hyper a. 過度的;過分的
pro n.(某事物的)正面,好處
: con n. 壞處,反對的論點
outweigh vt. 勝過;重於

1. take sth personally  認為(某人的)言行針對自己
Don’t take Jason’s comments personally. He’s that hard on everyone in the office.

2. be aware of...  察覺到/意識到……
I was aware of Todd’s gambling problem, but I didn’t know he owed that much money.

3. lighten up  放鬆心情;展顏
: lighten up on...  寬待……
Lighten up! You’re always so serious.
Please lighten up on Robert. He’s new around here and doesn’t know the rules.

4. be inclined to V  往往會……
: be prone to V
= be apt to V
= tend to V
John is inclined to lie, which is why I don’t trust him.

5. be attentive to...  注意/專注於……
attentive a. 專心的
Diana’s boyfriend is very attentive to her needs.

The science is in: some people are way more sensitive than others.
way adv. 大大地
: way too...  太過……
way 作副詞用時相當於 much 或 far,專用來修飾其後的副詞,以強調語氣。
Can you please slow down? You’re driving way too fast.
It’s way too hot today.
= It’s much too hot today.

高敏感一族 是福還是禍?



雖然高敏感人士聽起來很像應該放鬆就好且別再那麼認真看待每件事的人,但他們真的無法控制自己。敏感其實是他們大腦化學反應的一部分。科學家發現全球大約 20% 的人口對於經歷和情緒會產生較強烈的反應。高敏感人士往往會表現出比其他人更強烈的情緒。他們可能更容易大笑、哭泣或憤怒,和非高敏感一族的人相比,他們也更容易感到煩躁或被侮辱。批評可能會摧毀高敏感人士的一天、一星期或甚至一整個月,讚揚則會產生完全相反的效果。極端的情況也會讓這種人對明亮的燈光和嘈雜的噪音更加敏感。雖然他們可能非常善於社交,許多高敏感人士仍需要大量的獨處時間,因為長期與他人相處可能令他們感到疲累。


1. 根據本文,下列哪一項關於高敏感一族的敘述為真?
(A) 他們往往對於情況反應過度。
(B) 他們比正常人擁有更多朋友。
(C) 他們通常都從事高薪工作。
(D) 他們偏好花時間在機器上而不是與人相處。
題解:根據本文第一段,所有人都認識至少一位總覺得每件事都針對自己並經常對種種情況反應過度的人……假如這聽起來像你認識的某人,他(她)很可能就是高敏感人士(HSP),故 (A) 項應為正選。

2. 為什麼高敏感人士有所不同?
(A) 高敏感一族都有一段艱難的童年。
(B) 其他人經常誤解他們的意思。
(C) 他們需要特殊眼鏡來看清楚。
(D) 他們大腦的化學反應與其他人不一樣。
題解:根據本文第二段,敏感其實是高敏感人士大腦化學反應的一部分。科學家發現全球大約 20% 的人口對於經歷和情緒會產生較強烈的反應,故 (D) 項應為正選。

3. 什麼較不可能對一位高敏感人士產生負面的影響?
(A) 一場擁擠的派對。
(B) 對他們工作的批評。
(C) 一間寂靜的房間。
(D) 打開房屋內所有的燈。
題解:根據本文第二段,極端的情況也會讓高敏感人士對明亮的燈光和嘈雜的噪音更加敏感,與 (C) 項敘述不符,故為正選。

4. 為什麼高敏感人士善於給予他人建議?
(A) 他們常會注意到其他人忽略的事情。
(B) 他們認識更多的字彙。
(C) 他們從不批評他人。
(D) 他們總是知道別人的想法。
題解:根據本文最後一段,高敏感人士也常會注意到其他人忽略的周遭事物,因此非常擅長從不同的角度提供意見,故 (A) 項應為正選。
答案:1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A


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