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2012/02/21 第42期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Destination: Whistler, Canada 前進加拿大惠斯勒
This resort town, with access to incredible snowy peaks, is a skiing and snowboarding paradise

  Whistler, British Columbia is a skiing and snowboarding paradise. This resort1 town is surrounded by incredible snowy peaks2 in western Canada's Coast Mountain Range3. It is a huge playground for anyone with skiis or a snowboard. People come from Australia, Europe, and all over the world to enjoy its soft powder4. Located 120 kilometers north of Vancouver, the town of Whistler has a population of less than 10,000 permanent residents, but there are always a lot more people than that visiting.

  Young people come and stay for weeks, months, years, or longer. When they are not working, they are hitting the perfect conditions on the slopes since Whistler gets an average annual snowfall5 of nearly 11 meters. Even non-skiers know about the town because many events at the 2010 Winter Olympics were staged in Whistler, which made for a beautiful backdrop6 to all the sporting events. In recent years, Whistler constructed a new gondola7 that runs between two of its biggest mountains. It is over four kilometers in length and the longest unsupported gondola in the world. For winter-lovers, this just adds to all of Whistler's magical attractions..




  1. surround vt. 環繞,圍繞
    The island is surrounded by a coral reef that is home to many marine creatures.
  2. population n. 人口
    The world's population has recently reached seven billion.
  3. permanent a. 長久的;永久的
    Nancy intends to make Paris her permanent home because she adores the French lifestyle.
  4. average a. 平均的
    The average age of the company's employees is 30.
  5. stage vt. 舉辦(活動);進行(演出)
    The factory workers staged a strike in response to recent pay cuts.
  6. construct vt. 建造,構築
    A bridge was constructed to connect the two cities.
  1. make for...  有利於……;使……可能
    Regular exercise makes for a healthy body.
  2. 數字 + 單位 + in length  (長度、時間)有……長
    The popular talk show is one hour in length.
  1. resort n. 度假勝地(本文中作形容詞用)
  2. peak n. 山頂,山峰
  3. mountain range n. 山脈
  4. powder n. 粉,粉末
  5. snowfall n. 降雪(量)
  6. backdrop n.(事物的)背景
  7. gondola n.(纜車等的)車廂,吊艙

...hitting the perfect conditions on the slopes...
  上述句子是基於"hit the slope"(滑雪)這個固定片語改寫而來。hit 可以作『到達(某地);做(某事)』之意,與一些特定名詞並用而產生固定用法,以下便替各位列舉幾例:
hit town 到鎮上
hit the road 出發,動身
hit the books 唸書
hit the brakes 猛踩煞車
hit the sack/hay 上床睡覺
hit the shops/streets 去逛街
I'm packed up and ready to hit the road.
Dan can't go out tonight because he has got to hit the books.

「哈佛小子」 林書豪的籃球路


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