The VanGoYourself Challenge VanGoYourself:挑戰成為名畫主角 This is a fun, creative way to really get into classic art. 這個好玩又有創意的方式真的可以讓你走進經典畫作裡。
A new trend with an artistic twist is spreading across social media. It's called VanGoYourself, and it's an activity where people recreate famous paintings through pictures. Named after the famous Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, VanGoYourself aims to promote classic European paintings in a fun way. To try it out, visit the VanGoYourself website. There, you can search for the perfect painting to imitate. Many museums and art galleries▼ have given paintings to the site, so there are plenty to choose from. After you've made your selection, act out the scene either by yourself or with friends. Then, snap a photo and upload it to the site. Your picture will be automatically joined to the painting, and you can share the image on social media. There are different ways to imitate the paintings. Some people try to copy the clothing by making their own costumes▼. Others attempt to create a more modern version of the painting. VanGoYourself is a fun way to engage with and discover amazing classic paintings. Check out the site and turn your selfie▼ into a true work of art.
▼gallery n. 美術館;畫廊 ▼costume n. 化裝服,戲裝 ▼selfie n. 自拍照
1. artistic a. 藝/美術的;有藝術天份的
Henry's artistic ability was apparent at an early age.
2. twist n.(形勢或事態的)轉折;扭,擰
That mystery novel had a rather interesting twist at the end.
3. recreate vt. 使再現,使再次經歷
Parrots are able to recreate sounds in the human language.
4. imitate vt. 模仿(某人的動作、行為等)
Children tend to imitate their friends rather than their parents.
5. act out... / act...out 將……演出來;用行動表現(情緒)
Unhappy students often act out their frustrations in the classroom.
* frustration n. 挫折感,沮喪
6. upload vt. 上傳,上載
I'll upload this file to the web so you can download it.
7. automatically adv. 自動地
As you pay, a 10% service charge will be automatically added to your bill.
在您結帳時,10% 的服務費會自動加進您的帳單裡。
8. engage with... 與……交流/建立密切關係
As a career woman, Karen has no time nor energy to engage with her children.
本文 "Then, snap a photo and upload it to the site." 中的及物動詞 snap 表「拍攝(照片),給……拍照」,為非正式用法,常指較隨意的拍攝照片。snap 當名詞時可作為「啪(擦/搭)」等的狀聲詞;作動詞時則可表「(啪的一聲)折斷」,而片語 snap sb's fingers 就是「(某人)彈響指」的意思。例:
During our visit to the Eiffel Tower, Lucy snapped over 100 pictures.
The typhoon snapped many trees and telephone poles in half.
It's really impolite for you to snap your fingers at a waiter.
﹥雜誌訂半年就送「專業級24色水溶性彩色鉛筆」!訂一年則送「Breere Tefee Cup 隨行杯」!