 | 睡過頭不是Sleep over! | 有一個周末早上學生匆匆忙忙進世界公民,遲到了,一進門,她就向老師抱歉: "I am sorry. I slept over!" 對不起,我睡過頭了。
睡覺是sleep,over是過頭,兩個字拼在一起讀起來很自然,sleep over。 其實錯了。Sleep over是到別人家過夜,sleep in才是睡過頭。老外當然理解這類錯,但學生說想來真是糗,還好是在教室裡犯錯,如果是和老闆開會,說自己sleep over,不更糟嗎!
- sleep in:這個片語是指比平常起床的時間晚。
I planned to sleep in tomorrow.我明天打算睡晚一點。也可以說sleep late,但不要理解成oversleep(睡過頭),後者是指比原訂的起床時間晚,如:Sorry for not attending the meeting this morning; I overslept.很抱歉早上沒去參加會議,我睡過頭了。 相反地,如果要表達上床的時間很晚,可以說go to bed late,或是stay up late(熬夜)。
- sleep over:這是美國的學生常掛在嘴邊的片語,意思是到朋友家過夜。
I mom said I could sleep over in your house on Saturday night.我媽說我星期六晚上可以在你家過夜。 因為美國的住宅區域較不集中,大眾運輸工具的選擇也不多,所以美國的小朋友周末到同學家玩後,有時就乾脆住上一晚。
- sleep out:顧名思義,這是指在外頭過夜,就像dine out(出外用餐)一樣。
Let’s go camping this weekend and sleep out under the stars.這周末我們去露營,就睡在星空下吧!
- sleep around:在現在這麼開放的時代,大家一定也得學會這個片語─跟很多人上床。
Our culture is usually fine about guys sleeping around, but not girls.我們社會的價值觀通常能接受男性有多重性伴侶,但不能接受女性這麼做。
- sleep like a log:我們中文說「睡得像頭豬」,英文要說「睡得像木頭」,意思是「睡得很沈」。
After this show, I was finally able to sleep like a log for the first time in the past several months.這這個展覽結束後,我總算可以安穩地睡覺了,過去好幾個月一直睡不好。
另外,我們也可以用sound sleep(n.)和deep sleep(n.)來形容熟睡,light sleep(n.)則用來形容淺眠。以此類推,a heavy sleeper就是用來敘述一向都睡得很熟的人,a light sleeper則用來形容比較淺眠的人。
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 | 「啊,原來如此!」一次錯誤,就是一次驚喜! |
- You may stay in my place as much as you like. 你在我家待多久都可以。
- Mr. Chen needs the Internet to take care of his business no matter where. 陳先生不論在哪裡都需要網路來處理他的生意。
- How dare you to ask Steve such a question? 你怎敢問史蒂夫這樣的問題?
- The lights suddenly went out and everything became dark. 燈突然熄滅,一切變得黑暗。
- Despite the waiting lounge was empty, John came and sat in front of me. 儘管等候廳是空的,約翰還是來坐在我對面。
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- You may stay in my place as long as you like.
as long as有兩種說法,一是表示條件,例如You get that ticket free as long as you buy the whole package. 只要你買這一整組,你就可以得到那張免費的票。另一說法是「時間」,例如本句,表示「多久都可以」。as much as通常修飾不可數的「數量」,例如Only 200 NT, you can eat as much as you like there! 只要兩百塊,你要吃多少都可以!
- Mr. Chen needs the Internet to take care of his business wherever/no matter where he is.
「不論…」在英文裡是疑問詞+ever或no matter+疑問詞,這兩種寫法都必須引導子句,不能單獨存在,所以本句應是wherever或no matter where+子句,「在哪裡」可用he is或he goes表示。
- How dare you ask Steve such a question? 當dare作助動詞使用的時候,請勿使用不定詞 “to V”。
- The lights suddenly went out and everything went dark. 本句語意要使用“go dark”或“be plunged into darkness”。
- Despite the waiting lounge being empty, John came and sat in front of me. despite是介係詞,而非連接詞。
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