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2014/04/14 第83期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Oh for crying out loud! What are you to do in traffic jam/car accident or popped tire circumstances?

“You’re the chairperson aren’t you? Why didn’t you show up at the meeting?”

早上有個很重要的會議要主持,你卻偏偏遇上車子爆胎?怎麼辦?腦中只浮現car accident這個單字,但到底要怎麼說才能表達是爆胎而不是出車禍?前面出現一個連環車禍,連環怎麼表達?ring? continuous? 還是不管發生什麼,都騙同事說是car accident?


  1. I got caught in traffic/I got held up (by the traffic). 我塞車了。
    通常塞車不是車流量太大,就是前面出了車禍,如果是連環車禍,連環車禍可以說multiple car accident/(multiple-car) pileup. pile這個字本身就有累積、堆疊的意思,所以很容易和連環車禍扣連起來。 E.g. , There’s a major accident ahead of me.我前面出了一個大車禍。 multiple的意思是多重的;符合的。
  2. I got held up in a traffic accident. 我在路上被困在車禍的車陣中了。
    held是hold的被動態,表示困住、塞住。 E.g. , My mom got held up at the airport by the heavy fog. 我媽媽因為濃霧在機場被困住。
  3. My car tire popped on my way to the office, so I had to take a bus instead. 我的車子在去辦公室的路上爆胎了,我現在只好改坐公車。
    其他突發狀況還有: 爆胎 have/get a flat tire = (tire) blow out E.g. , I got a flat tire on the freeway / My tire blew out on the freeway. 我的車子在高速公路上爆胎了。 輪胎被戳破 (tire) be punctured E.g. , Is my tire punctured? It’s almost flat. 我的輪胎被戳破了嗎?它都沒什麼氣了。
  4. I just had a car accident in town, so I have to first wait for the police. 我剛剛在市區出了車禍,我得先等警察來。
    市區:in town 市郊:in suburbs 郊區:on the outskirts E.g. , I live on the outskirts of New York 我住在紐約的郊區。



  1. Maintain original, don’t disturb anything. 保持原狀,不要再操心。
  2. The car accident causes one dead and one injured. 這場車禍造成一死一傷。
  3. Is it a habit rule? 這是慣例嗎?
  4. Susan is not on the seat now. Do you want to leave a message? Susan現在不在位上,您要留言嗎?
  5. He will reply to us before this Friday. 他星期五之前會回覆找們。


  1. Leave it as it is, don’t disturb anything.
    Leave it as it is為保持原狀的慣用法,表示聽其自然不用理會。
  2. The car accident left one dead and one injured.
  3. Is it common practice?
  4. Susan is not available now. Do you want to leave a message?
    On the seat在位子上為中式英文,西式思維是:她現在無法接聽電話she is not available. 
  5. He will reply to us by this Friday.
    Before this Friday星期五之前為中式英文,正確的用法為by this Friday,by意指在某個時間點之前。

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