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2014/10/27 第111期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Save the day 不是省下這一天!

某天,小莉在公司使用電腦時,發現網路一直不穩定、常斷線,其他人情況也是如此。在等候修復、無法工作的期間,她打趣地跟坐在旁邊的外籍同事說:「Let’s save the day to go shopping!」但老外卻一臉狐惑,似乎聽不懂她的玩笑話。

網路正常後,她趕緊上網查了一下自己的句子,才發現「save the day」並不是指「省下這一天」,而是「反敗為勝、轉危為安」的意思。


1、save the day

例句1:In the final set of the match, our team lost the first five games, but later saved the day by winning the last consecutive seven ones.(在決勝盤時,我隊雖然先輸了五局,但隨後連贏七局逆轉勝。)
例句2:John repaired the copy machine and saved the day!(約翰修好了影印機,救了大家!)

2、save one’s bacon(培根)、save one’s neck(脖子)、save one’s skin(皮膚)都有「保命」的意思。

例句:When the airplane crashed, only one girl saved her bacon. That’s a miracle.(當飛機失事時,只有一位女孩保住了性命。那是個奇蹟。)

3、save face 指「保全面子」,face在此指「面子、尊嚴、威信」。

例句:In order to save my parents’ face, I have to tell a white lie. 為了顧全父母的面子,我必須撒一個善意的謊言。

4、save the situation 指「挽救情勢、渡過難關」之意。

例句:We are giving ground under the fierce attacks. Reinforcements are needed immediately to save the situation.(我們在猛烈的攻擊中節節敗退,需要立即的救援來解除危機。)


  1. I have never seen such a blood fool in my office. He did not even know what IPO is. 在辦公室裡我從沒見過這樣的大笨蛋,他連「首次公開募股」是什麼都不知道。
  2. Judy is a green thumb. She is unable to do any kind of delicate work. 裘蒂笨手笨腳,任何細活都做不了。
  3. My colleague is really dead from the neck. He never gets what the clients say. 我同事腦筋很鈍,客戶講什麼他都聽不懂。
  4. My sister is as long as two short planks. She always does things wrong. 我姐呆呆的,總是把事情弄錯。
  5. This guy does not know to come in out of the rain. Don’t expect too much from him. 這傢伙笨到無可救藥,別對他有太多期待。
  6. She is as stupid as a dog. I don’t want to talk to her. 她頭腦很不靈光,我不想和她說話。


  1. I have never seen such a bloody fool in my office. He did not even know what an IPO is.
  2. Judy is all thumbs. She is unable to do any kind of delicate work.
    a green thumb是指「很會種花種菜的人」,all thumbs則是指一個人「手腳很不俐落」。
  3. My colleague is really dead from the neck up. He never gets what the clients say.
    dead from the neck up從字面翻譯是指頸部以上都死了,意指某人「笨死了」,up不可以省略。
  4. My sister is as thick as two short planks. She always does things wrong.
  5. This guy does not know when to come in out of the rain. Don’t expect too much from him.
    not know when to come in out of the rain是一句慣用語,指某人傻到連下雨都不知道要找地方躲。
  6. She is as stupid as a donkey. I don’t want to talk to her.
    說人家「笨頭笨腦」,可以用as stupid as a donkey/a goose/an ass…,但並沒有as stupid as a dog這種用法。

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