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2015/01/12 第122期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份




a)    鴻鵠之志

b)    牽就

c)    拖延

Your 30s are typically a time of settling down. The following is some wise advice from those who have already experienced their 30s.



1. They spend time with people who add value to their lives.

Stop spending time with those who don’t treat you well and instead spend more time with loved ones. “Don’t just work. Make memories. The older you get, the harder it is to make meaningful relationships,” writes Microsoft product designer Michael Bach.

1. 他們和能讓生命增值的人相處。

不要再和不能善待你的人相處,而應花更多時間和所愛的人在一起。微軟產品設計師Michael Bach表示:「不要一味工作,而要創造回憶。年齡愈大,則愈難培養有深度的情誼。」


2. They pursue their a) loftier aspirations

Twenty-something often b) settle for a job they are not passionate about. Before they know it, a temporary job becomes a career. While it’s certainly more difficult to switch industries in your 30s, it’s not impossible and may be the right choice.

2. 他們追求更崇高的志向。



3. They don’t obsess about the future.

Author Mark Manson realized in his 20s that there is not a magical moment where you start feeling like an adult who has it all figured out. You cannot even anticipate your life 5 years into the future.


作家Mark Manson在20幾歲時就領悟到,並不會有那神奇的時刻-開始感覺自己如成人恍然大悟。你甚至無法預知5年後的生活。


4. They decide whether they want kids or not.

Kids certainly are not for everyone, but c) putting off having children for an ideal situation is a bad idea. If you want to have kids, have them before it’s too late. Kids are great. They make you better in every way.




5. They take care of their health.

Make exercise and healthy eating habits a priority. “Be healthy. That is priority 1. Don't get into your 30s being slow and tired all the time,” Bach writes on question-and-answer website Quora.




6. They establish a financial foundation for the future.

If you hit 30 and you’ve set nothing aside, it’s not too late to 1) start the ball rolling. By this point, you need to save up for your retirement. Determine first what percentage of your paycheck you can easily live without and put it away at a bank.




7. They still enjoy themselves.

And finally, just because you’re not in your 20s anymore doesn’t mean you need to stop having fun. 2) Bear in mind that none of the money you work hard to make matters if you are not enjoying life.





1. Start the ball rolling  採取具體行動

Since our office has decided to recycle paper, we should start the ball rolling right away. 既然辦公室已決定開始回收廢紙,我們應該立即採取具體行動。

John has started the ball rolling by setting up a series of meetings and notifying everyone involved.約翰已經採取具體行動:安排一系列的會議,並通知相關人員。

2. Bear something in mind 牢記,考慮

Bearing in mind that she’s had so little experience, I thought she had done a good job.


As a generation gap exists, we should bear in mind that younger people might not like this idea. 由於有代溝存在,我們應該考慮到,年輕人可能不會喜歡這個點子。


To這個詞性,讓人有點捉摸不定。我們看到to,直覺反應就是要加動詞原形,其實並非如此。當to 的後面不是要接續一個動作,而是在描述一件事情或是習慣時,我們要用動名詞(Ving)或是名詞(N)。以下就用幾個例句來複習一下吧。
  1. I look forward to see you again. 我期待再度見到你。
  2. He is used to take a walk after dinner. 他習慣在晚飯後散步。
  3. I regret to late to the interview. 我後悔沒有準時去面試。
  4. Please pay attention on this new regulation. 請留意這個新規定。
  5. He has an aversion from seeing Spanish bullfighting. 他討厭看西班牙鬥牛


  1. I look forward to seeing you again.
    Look forward to 這個動詞片語是在email中很常用,卻又常用錯的,這裡的to是介系詞,要用動名詞(Ving)。Look forward to後面也可以加名詞(N),如: I look forward to your advice.我期待你的建議。
  2. He is used to taking a walk after dinner.
    “be used to” or “get used to” 是表示習慣做某件事,通常是指持續在做的事,後面要接名詞或動名詞(Ving)。He can’t get used to getting up so early. 他沒有辦法適應太早起。
    而另外一個相似度很高的 “used to” 表示”過去的習慣,現在沒有了”,to 後面要接動詞原形。 I used to work in Marketing. 我過去在做行銷, 但現在沒有了。
  3. I regretted being late to the interview.
    Regret 通常後面都會加動名詞Ving ,表示後悔做某件事情。如果regret 當成很遺憾通知某人或某事時,後面又接 to 加動詞原形。 We regret to inform you that your proposal has not been accepted. 我們很遺憾通知你,你的提議沒有被接納 。
  4. Please pay attention to the company regulation.
    很多人把這個片語拆成pay attention +介系詞,因為是把注意力放在某個人或某件事"上面",就很自然的說成 pay attention "on",但正確的片語是pay attention to,請不要擅自更改。
  5. He has an aversion to seeing Spanish bullfighting.
    An aversion to是指討厭某人或某事,很多人會因為aversion是討厭的意思就用介系詞from,這是不正確的,正確的介系詞是用to。

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