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2016/12/30 第340期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 同學聚會
【本月發燒書】 超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】
【好康情報局】 寂天精選年終暢銷書展──全面79折!
口語會話 Follow me

Keep your chin up.

A:I can’t take much more of this. My boss is driving me crazy.
B:Hey, keep your chin up. Don’t let him grind you down.


<< 節錄《OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句》 >>

同學聚會 High school reunion

Long time no see.

Robert: Hi, Jocelyn. Long time no see. Wow, look at your belly! How many months have you been pregnant?
Jocelyn: Seven. It's due on January 18. It's really nice to see you again, Robert. When was the last time we talked? Two years ago? How have you been?
Robert: It was three years ago, at Nancy's birthday party. I've been pretty good. I'm a certified dietitian and now I'm running a small consultation firm.
Jocelyn: So you give people advice on how to eat right and stay healthy? Do a lot of people go to you?
Robert: Yeah, all kind of people. People who are overweight or diabetic are my major clients. Americans have a poor diet. We eat way too much fat and sugar.
Jocelyn: How do you help them?
Robert: First, I assess their needs and examine their eating habits; then I design a suitable menu for each client.
Jocelyn: Do you have your business card on you? I might need your help, too.
Robert: It's in my car. Hold on a second and I'll get one for you.

喬瑟琳:七個月了,預產期是 1 月 18 日。真的很高興看到你,羅伯特。我們上次一起聊天是什麼時候?兩年前嗎?你好不好呢?

<< 本篇選自食尚英語:聚會節慶餐飲英語 >>
俗辣英文俚語特搜 OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句 觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】
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