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2019/07/08第313期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
砍典撥剁 啁隞梁瑟寞隡嚗撣
撱嗡撓摮貊嚗 皜暹
望餌嚗 瘥乩
瘣餃敹恍嚗 HIW+蝘摮詨撟
Troye Sivan: From Youtube to Pop Stardom

Troye Sivan has stolen the hearts of millions with his fresh sound and charming voice. But those arent his only talents. The YouTuber-turned-pop star also writes honest lyrics about relationships and love that his fans can easily relate to.
Born in South Africa and raised in Australia, Sivan began singing as a child, performing at local charity events and making it to the finals of a TV singing competition. However, it was his YouTube channel that sparked his rise to fame. Viewers loved Sivans funny, relatable videos, and by the time he was 18, he had over four million subscribers. One of his videos even earned him a Teen Choice Award.
Internet fame helped Sivan gain even greater notice. In 2015, he landed a record deal and produced the hit song Youth, which made it to the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100. His most recent album, Bloom, featuring the lead single My My My! has been an even bigger success.
Sivan has also worked in film, appearing in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Boy Erased. The song he wrote for the latter film earned him a Golden Globe nomination for Best Original Song.


蝬脰楝瘞撟怠拙敺唳游瘜具其銝鈭撟湛隞脣梁蝝鋆賭a瑟脯乓嚗擐甇脯蝷箇曉之格脫隞啣頛胯蝬餅整隞乓My My My嚗雿箔蜓格莎喟脣游之撠晞

閰喟敦扳隢蝧駁將O.218 6Live鈭梯隤
trash tag challenge
蝜潛箸撓鈭箇潸脩唳▲啜嚗ice bucket challenge嚗撟游撟湔啜嚗10 year challenge嚗敺嚗皜暹啜函冗蝢文擃銝韏瑟憸剁撘韏瑁迂憭撟渲鈭粹踵嚗蝝蝝銝喃啣唳曉敺撠瘥改隞亥澈擃銵孵霅瑕啁嚗雿踴皜整箇唬唳撠嚗

social media n. 蝷曄黎慦擃
hashtag n. 銝駁璅蝐扎鈭璅蝐歹蝷曄黎蝬脩潭嚗霈雿輻刻臭誑敶潭迨銝脤璅蝐文踝
pick up trash v. phr. 踹
upload v. 銝
go green v. phr. 踵唬嚗脰唬銵

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There's nothing so humiliating as looking poor in the middle of a lot of rich women," she said to her husband.

2019/7/9 (鈭)

She took great pleasure in knowing that she was the prettiest woman present.

2019/7/10 (銝)

Troye Sivan has stolen the hearts of millions with his fresh sound and charming voice.

2019/7/11 ()

Sivan's musical talents and engaging personality have allowed him to build strong connections with fans all over the world.

2019/7/12 (鈭)

If you've ever cut or burned yourself, you know that dressing a wound can be as painful as getting one.

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